August 27, 1910. This species was very abundant in fall migration on Gold' Creek, Powell County, after August 18, 1910. Petrochelidon lunifrons lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Commqn summer resident in the valleys. Migration dates are May 30, 1910, and May 28, 1911. ltirundo erythrogatra. 'Barn Swallow. Summer resident in the valleys. Tachyin,ta thalaina 1,pida. Northern Violet-green Swallow. Summer resident. Migration dates May 6, 1910, and May 12, 1911. St,lgidopteryx ,rripennis. Rough-winged Swallow. Summer resident. Not common, but seen in the valleys throughout the region. Migration dates May 30, 1910, and May 21, 1911. Bombydlla garrula. Bohemian Waxwing. Winter resident. Migration dates October 13, 1910, and March 29, 1910. Bombyilla drorum. Cedar Waxwing. Summer resident. I found a nest containing young near Anaconda, August 17, 1910. Lanius boreali. Northern Shrike. Winter resident in the valleys. Migration date October 23, 1910. Lanius ludovicianus migrans. Migrant Shrike. On May 14, 1911, I secured a bird of this species, which Dr. Bishop stated was certainly not L. /. xcul)iloricls and believed was probably of this subspecies. Vireosylva olivacea. Red-eyed Vireo. One seen near Anaconda June 3, 1911. Vireosylva gilva swainsoni. Western Warbling Vireo. Common summer resi- dent. Most abundant in aspen groves in the mountains. Migration dates May 28, 1910, June 3, 1911, and August 27, 1910. Lanivireo solitarius cassini. Cassin Vireo. I saw several of these birds on Willow Creek, Powell County, September 12 and 13, 1910. Vermivora celata (subspecies ?). Orange-crowned Warbler. Summer resident in the mountains. More abundant in migrations. Occurs in the breeding season principally in aspen groves. Migration dates May 28, 1910, May 27, 1911, and September 4, 1909. Dendroica aestiva aestiva. Yellow Warbler. Common summer resident of the valleys. Migration dates May 28, 1910, and May 21, 19!1. Dendroica auduboni auduboni. Audubon Warbler. Summer resident in the mountains. Migration dates May 6, 1910, May 1, 1911, and September 30, 1909. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis. Grinnell Water-Thrush. Seen twice in' German Gulch, Silver Bow County, May 16, 1910, and on Gold Creek, Powell County, August 20, 1910. 0porornis tolmiei. Macgillivray Warbler. Summer resident in the foothills up to 5,$00 feet. Geothlypis trichas 0ccidentalis. Western Yellowthroat. Summer resident of the valleys and foothills to about 5,500 feet. Migration dates are May 21, 1911, and September 21, 1910. Wilsonia pusilla pileolata. Pileolated Warbler. Summer resident of willow thickets in the mountains above 5,500 feet. Occurs in the valleys in migrations. Migration dates 'are May 28, 1910, May 14, 1911, September 14, 1909, and Sep- tember 17, 1910. Setophaga ruticilla. Redstart. Rather rare summer resident. Migration dates May 28, 1910, May 21, 1911, and August 21, 1910. Anthus rubescens. Pipit. Regular fall migrant in the valleys, usually found in company with Horned Larks. Also very abundant in the spring of 1911, though this is the only year that I have seen it in spring in Montana. Migration dates are September 14 to October 17, 1909, September 11 to October 23, 1910, and April 15 to May 20, 1911.