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valley. From May 14 to 28 they were extremely abundant in grass lands through- out the valley. Zonotrichia leucophrys leucophrys. White-crowned Sparrow. Common sum- ruer resident in the mountains. Migration date May 10, 1911. Breeds commonly on cut-over lands on the lower mountain slopes near Anaconda. Zonotrichia leucophrys gambeli. Gambel Sparrow. Common migrant in the valleys and lower mountains. Migration dates are May 5-12, 1910, April 29-May 14, 1911, and September 21-October 9, 1910. I have yet to find this subspecies in Montana during the breeding season. I am inclined to think that the A. O. U. Cect-Lz'st is in error in including Montana in the breeding range of this form and not in that of 7. l. /eucoprys. I have found the latter a common breeding bird of the Canadian and upper Transition zones in all parts of western Montana that I have visited. Spizella monticola ochracea. Western Tree Sparrow. Common winter resident in the valleys. Migration date October 30, 1910. Spizella passerina arizonae. Western Chipping Sparrow. Common snmmer resident in the mountains. Migration dates are May 8, 1910, and May 5, 1911. Junco hyemalis connectens. Shufeldt Junco. Junco hyemalis montanus. Montana Junco. These two subspecies are common migrants but are difficult to separate. I have secured birds of both forms in the re- gion however. Migration dates are March 10 to April 5, 1910, September 27 to October 13, 1909, and September 8 to October 14, 1910. Junco byemalts mearnsi. Pink-sided Junco. Common summer resident in the mountains. Migration dates are March .23,1910, April 20, 1911, September 30, 1909 and September 25, 1910. Melospiza melodia montana. Mountain Song Sparrow. Common summer resi- dent of the valleys and mountains up to 7,000 feet elevation. Migration date March 3l, 1910. Melospiza lincolni lincolni. Lincoln Sparrow. Common summer resident in willow thickets along mountain streams. Migration date June 3, 1910. Melospiza georgiana. Swamp Sparrow. A single bird of this species was ob- served closely at Elk Park, Silver Bow County, September 8, 1910. This makes, I ,believe, the second record of this species in Montana. Passerella iHaca schistacea. Slate-colored Fox Sparrow. Common summer' i-esident of willow thickets along the lower mountain streams. Migration dates, April 11, 1910, and August 27, 1910. This species is not common in the immediate vicinity of Anaconda, although conditions here seem to be as well suited to it as anywhere else in the region. Pipilo maculatus arcticus. Arctic Towbee. Seen bht once, near. Anaconda  April 15, 1911. 0reospiza chlorura. Green-tailed Towhee. Observed Once, on Fish Creek, Sil- ver Bow County, July 21, 1910'. Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. Summer resident of willow thickets in the valleys. Migration dates are May 28i 1911, and August 27, 1910; Passerina amoena. Lazuli Bunting. Common summer resident of the foot- hills, frequenting wild-rose thickets below 5,500 feet. Migration dates are May 23, !910, and August 28, 1910. Calamospiza melanocorys. Lark Bunting. Two birds of this species were seen in the Deer Lodge ,alley May 14, 1911. Piranga ludoviciana. Western Tdnager. Common summer resident of fir forests in the mountains. Migration dates are June 5, 1910, May 29, 1911, and

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