For Sale, Exchange and Want Column.--In this space members of the
Cooper Club are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but nol_tbr sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LZE CHAMBERS, Eale Rock, FOR SALE--Report on Bird Migration in the Mississippi Valley (Cook); The English spar- row in North America (Barrows); Auk, vols. to 28; Biids of the Colorado Valley (Coues); Birds of the Northwest (Cones); Hawks and Owls of the U.S. (Fisher); Bird Lore, vols 1 to 12. Write for complete list. W.L. BURNETT, Fort Collins, Colo. FOR EXCHANOE--A. O. U. Nos. I 1-4, 1-4; 11 1-2; 16 1-1; 44 l-a; (ssl 1-1; 202 1-41 201 263 14; 329 1-2:339 1-3; 342 1-2; 346 1-2; (359.1) -q-5; 389 1-4; 390 1-7; 394c 1-5; 412a 1-7; 467 14; 477 1-5; 487 1-4; 498 14; 498c 1-2; 51lb 1-4; 517 1-3; 529 1-4; 540 1-4; 549 1-4; 550 14; 560 14; 563 1-4; 581 1-4; 587 1-3; .598 1-4; 608 1-2; 624 1-4; 648a 1-3; 659 1-4; 673 1-4; 674 1-5; 681 1-4; 687 1- 4; 704 1-4; 721 1-6; 735a 1-4; 7.55 1-4; Wandering Albatross 1-1; Rock-hopper Pengnin, single; King Penguin 1-1, end blown. JOHN tI. FLAN- AOAN. 10 kFeybosset .Fl., Providence, R. 1. WANTEZ)--Osprey, vol. 1, NO. 2: Osprey, vol. 4, No. 8, 9, 10. C.J. PENNOCK, Annett Square, Pa. WANTED--Ornithologist & OoIogist, vol. No. 2, Feb. 1888; Osprey 3, No. 7. O. MANN, 515 l/bn e'ersen St., SI. Louis, Mo. WANTED--A few skins of Golden Plover in exchange for California skins and sets, also A1 set of Black Oystercatcher to exchange for set of Woodcock. G. WILLE'T, 2123 Lurt ., Los dn.geles, CaL WANTeD--Audubon Ornith. Biography, vols. 2, 4, S; Nuttall, Mannal, 1840, 2 vols.; Bull. Cooper Club, I, no. 1; Bird Lore. vol. 1I, no. and other Also bird skins. B. H. SWALES, Grosse 11e, 2tlich. XVANTEDWilson Bulletin 2, 4; The Oologist Utica, N.Y., vol. I complete; II, 1, 2; III, 8, IV, complete: V, complete; Bulletin of the Cooper Ornith. Club, ol. I, odd nos. W. LIiE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Cal. IMPORTANT--Don't forget that we need money to pay bills. Send in your dues and subscriptions at once. W. LE CHAMBERS, BUS. MGR., R. D. o. 1, Box 73 ]), Los /tn- geles, L BOOKS FOR SALE--Mrs. H. R. Taylor has a few books left from the library of H. R. Taylor and wishing to dispose of them at once will give some one a bargain. MRS. II. R. TAYLOR, 133 Regents SL, Mlameda, The Manager of the Cooper Club has a few dinhated volumes of "The Condor" which will be sold at just one-half the regular price. All are complete hut are either mussed. torn or second-hand. They are bargains at the price. We have every volrune except one. Some only lack covers to make them perfect. FOR SALE--Complete sets of Condor, Bird- Lore, Auk, Nidiologist, Warbler, Bittern, Coun- try Life in America, Suburban Life; also vol- runes of Oologist, Osprey, O. & O., Audubon Magazine, Journal Maine Ornith. Soc., Amer- ican Ornith., American Naturalist, National Geographic Mat. Offer $1.00 for Bird-Lore Vol. 1 No. 2. LAUREN TRIiMPER, 136 ,Vo. Dewey SI, Philadelphta, Pa. WANTED FOR CASH--In original covers, clean and in perfect condition for binding: Wilson Bulletin, nos. 4, 6, 7; The Osprey (new series), vol. I, 1902, no. 7; The Oologist, vol. III (1886), no. 4, vol. IV (1887), nos. 1, 3, 4; vol. V (1888), no. 6, vol. VI {1889), no. 4, nos. 139 and 266; The Journal of the Maine Orn. Sot., vol. IV, no. 2, $, 4, vol. V, nos. 1, 4; The Iowa Ornithologist, vol. II, nos. 1, 2, 4, vol. IV, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4.--G. H. MISSENGISR, President Linden Bank, Linden, Iowa. CAN yOU furnish me with any of the follow- ing nos: Nidiologist, I, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; Osprey, I, 2, I1, 2, 5 to 9 inclusive, 11, 12, III, com- plete, or all but No. 1, IV, I to 10 inclusive, V, 1, 2, 3, 4, .5, 6, 8, 9, J0?--FRED B. MCKECHNIE, Ponkapog, Iass. FoR EXCHANGE--Fla. Redwing n 1.5-3, 2-4, Loggerhead Shrike n 5-5, n 44, Fla. Cardinal n3-3, Ward Heron 5-3, Water Turkey 10-4, 4.-3 Mockingbird 14-3, 7-4. Fla. Nighthawk 3-2, Fla. Screech Owl .5-2, 2-3, Samlhill Crane. 1-2. Wilson's Snipe 24. Want Monntain Plover, Western Wilier, Avocet, Piping Plover, Gohlen Eagle, western species of hawks, etc. DONALV J. NXCHOLSON, Orlando, Florida. Boa: 63l. FOR EXCHANG,--Eggs of following species in sets, for land birds' eggs not in my collec- tion: A.O.u. 9-'M-35--38--423-!4 47-- 81--82.1--92--92.1--103--114.1 -- 116.1 -- 123-- 129--132--135--147--148--152--162--177--178--- 182--194b196--206--207--227--228-- 260--269-
1--274281---2X5--293 a--302--302 a---327-- 353
--3.54--354 a159--445--.534--536602-- 639 -- 654 a--763 & c. Full list on application--TlOS. H. JACKSON. West Chester, Pa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGeThe following fine sets: Audubon's Ornith. Biography, 1831- 3% 5 vols. complete. Audubon's Synopsis of Birds of America, 1839; Nuttall's Manual, orig. ed., 1832-34, 2 vols. complete. zanled: The Auk, vols. 1, 2, 3and 6; The Osprey, new series, vol. 1; Swainson and RichardsoWs Fauna Bore- ali-Americana. CHARLIS R. KEvES, )lt. J.'er- non, Iowa.