Miller, L. H., review of his "wading birds from the Quarternary asphalt beds of Rancho La Brea", 79; review of his "the condor-like vultures of Rancho La Brea' ', 79; review of his "additions to the avi- fauna of the Pleistocene deposits at los- sil Lake, Oregon", 79; a synopsis of our knowledge concerning the fossil birds of the Pacific coast of North America, 117 Mimus polyglottos leucopterus, 133, 137, 166 Minutes of Cooper Club Meetings, 39, 113, 142, 214 Mockingbird, 43, 44, 45, 166 Western, 133, 137 Molothrus ater 68, 101 ater artemisiae, 181 ater obscurns, 132, 135, 152, 161 Mopoke, 142 Murre, 38 California, 38, 174 Murrelet, Ancient, 76 Craveri, 106 Xantus', 151 Myadestes townsendi, 35, 121 Myers, H. W., nesting habits of the western flycatcher, 87 Myiarchus cinerascens, 132, 135, 180, 202 Myiochanes richardsoni, 180 N Nannus hiemalls pacificus, 35 Nettion carolinense, 130, 152 Nighthawk, 101 Pacific, 205 Texas, 135, 160 Western, 67 Nucifraga colmnbiana, 35, 93, 108 Numenius americanus, 103, 152, 211 hudsonicus, 211 Nutcracker, Clarke, 35, 108 Nuthatch, Red-breasted, 35, 74, 69, 205, 210 Rocky Mountain, 35 Slender-billed, 108, 163 Nuttallornis borealis, 108, 180 Nycticorax nycticorax naevius, 65, 130, 134, 160, 162 o Oberholser, H. C., rev. of his "a revision of the forms of the hairy woodpecker (Dryo- bates villosus [Linnaeus])", 169; rev. of his "a revision of the forms of the ladder- backed woodpecker (Dryobates scalaris [Waglet] ) ", 170 Oceanodroma furcata, 177 homochroa, 176 kaedingi, 176 leucorhoa, 177 melania, 34 socorroensis, 34 Oidemia deglandi, 151 Olor colmnbianus, 35 Open letters, 78 Oreortyx picta picta, 119 picta plumifera, 149, 150, 204, 205 Oreoscoptes montanus, 69, 137, 161 Oreospiza ohiotufa, 108, 203, 204, 205 Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 136 Bullock, 68, 74, 75, 104, 136, 162, 203, 204, 205, 206 Orchard, 104 Scott, 45, :152 Osburn, P. I., collecting Socorro and black petrels in Lower California, 31; the Cali- fornia shrike as a reptile destroyer, 75; notes on two birds from Santa Catalina Island, California, 76; the yellow rail in southern California, 108 Osgood, W. H., review of Swarth's "birds and mammals of the 1909 Alexander Alaska Expedition", 212 Osprey, 131 Otocoris alpestris actia, 161 alpestris insularis, 164, 209 alpestris leucolaema, 80 alpestris merrilli, 67 alpestris pallida,* 132 Otus asio benditel,'73 asio macfarlanei, 66 Ouzel,'Water, 205 Ovenbird, 102, 167, 182 Owl, Barn, 131, 135, 160, 162, 209 Burrowing, 66,132, 135, 152, 166, 180 California Pigmy, 163 California Screech, 73 Great Horned, 5, 44, 131 Long-cared, 66 Macfarlane Screech, 66 Northern Spotted, 75 Pacific ttorned, 66 Screech, 131 Short-cared, 103, 131 Western Horned, 153, 154 Oxyechus vociferns, 65, 101, 131, 135, 1.52, 160, 162 Oystercatcher, Black, 32, 152, 164 Frazar, 76, 152 P Pandion haliaetus carolinensis, 131 Pardalotus striatus, 142 Passer domesticus, 68, 98, 111, 120, 132, 133, 135, 162, 181, 203, 205 Passerculus beldingi, 152 rostratus, 132 sandwichensis alaudinus, 110, 136, 205 sandwichensis savanna, 213