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Vol. XIII Jay, A. [with Willett, G.], May notes from San Jacinto Lake, 156 Jay, Blue, 94, 104 Blue-fronted, 163, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208 California, 73, 74, 109, 119, 163 Coast, 73, 74 Long-crested, 35 Pinyon, 75, 93, 94, 156 Santa Cruz, 209 Sierra Nevada, 119 Woodhouse, 44, 46 Junco byemalls, 94 hyemalis pinosus, 210 hyemalis thurberi, 108, 120, 163, 204, 205 oreganus, 213 Junco, Point Pinos, 210 Sierra, 108, 120, 204, 205 Thurber, 163 K Kellogg, L., a collection of winter birds from Trinity and Shasta counties, California, 118 Kennedy, C. H., notes on a broken leg in the white-rumped shrike, 107; some robins' and mourning doves' nests in the lower Yakima Valley, Washington, 184 Keyes, C. R., a history of certain great horned owls, 5 Killdeer, 65, 73, 101, 131, 135, 152, 160, 162 Kingbird, 96, 97 Kingbird, Arkansas, 39, 45, 135, 152, 161, 162 Cassin, 132 Eastern, 67 Western, 39, 67, 74, 201, 202, 205, 208 Kingfisher, Belted, 152, 204 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 74, 121, 134, 137 Kittwake, ,38 Pacific, 38 Knot, 80 L Lagopus taurus, 80 rupestris reinhardi, 80 Lamb, C., a second occurrence of the Bohe- mian waxwing in southern California, 34 Lanius ludovicianus anthonyi, 210 ludovicianus excubitorides 69, 107, 133, 1,37 ludovicianus gainbell, 74, 111, 153, 211 Lark, Horned, 97, 103 California Horned, 161 Dusky Horned, 67 Island Horned, 164, 166, 209 Sonora Horned, 1,32 Magpie, 142 Larus brachyrhynchus, 38 californicus, 130, 134 canus, 38 delawarensis, 38, 130, 134, 209 glancescerts, 209 heermanni 104/ 152, 176 occidentalis, 32, 152, 164, 176 philadelphia, 209 Law, J. E., a stray white pelican, 35 Linnet, California, 39, 68, 74 ' Redpoll, 100 Linton, C. B., unusual nesting site of the San Nicholas rock wren/ 109; the egret in southern California, 109; man-o'-war birds in southern California, 168 Lobipes lobatus, 65, 162, 179 Loon, 173 Yellow-billed, 211 Lophortyx californicns californicus, 73, 149, 151 californica vallicola, 119 gambeli, 131, 135 Loxia curvirostra minor, 108 curvirostra stricklandi, 210 Lunda cirrhata, 173, 209 M Macrorhamphus griseus scolopaceus, 213 Magpie, American, 67, 90, 91 Yellow-billed, 73, 74, 163 Mailliard, J., odds and ends, 49; golden eagle and dog, 138 Mallard, 65, 103, 122, 123,124, 130 Mancalla califoruicus, 117 Manniche, A. L. V., review of his "the terres- trial mammals and birds of northeast Greenland", 80 Man-o'-war Bird, 168 Mareca americana, 130 Marila affinis, 134, 152 americana, 130, 158, 191 valisineria, 130, 194 Martin, Purple, 100 Western, 153, 163 McAtee, W. L., remarks on the food of young cowbirds, 107 McGee, W. J., review of his "notes on the passenger pigeon", 79 Meadowlark, Eastern, 92 Western, 68, 74, 91, 92, 132, 186, 152, 164 166, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206 Megalestris skua, 38 Melanerpes fornficivorus bairdi, 35, 74, 163 Melospiza lincolni, 136 lincolni striata, 76, 111 melodia, 107 lnelodia coronatorum, 32 melodia fallax, 133, 136 melodia graminea, 210 melodiaheermanni, 110, 161, 163 melodia mailliardi, 110 melodia merrilli, 120 melodia montana, 68, 203, 204, 205 melodia rufina, 120 melodia santaecrucis, 74, 163 Melopelia asiafica, 52

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