216 Vol. XIII
INDEX TO 'VOLUME Xlll A Acanthis linaria, 100 Acanthiza chrysorrhoa, 142 Accipiter cooperi, 131, 163, 209 velox, 131, 135 Acrocephalns austalis, 142 Actiris macularius, 65 AechmophoYus lucasi, 79 occidentalis, 130, 209 Aegialitis nivosa, 135, 152 vociferus, 73 Aeronautes melanoleucus, 132, 135 Agelaius phoeniceus, 93 phoeniceus californicus, 74 phoeniceus sonoriensis, 132, 135 tricolor, 68, 152 Aimophila ruficeps, 210 Aix sponsa, 49 Albatross, Black-looted, 151 Aluco pratincola, 131, 135, 160, 162, 209 Ammodramus savannarum bimaculatus, 35, 109 Amphispiza.belli, 153 nevadensis, 133 nevadensis canescens, 76, 133, 136, 161, 163 nevadensis nevadensis, 68 Anas platyrhynchos, 65, 103, 123, 130 rubripes, 138 Anthus rubescens, 74, 133, 137 Aphelocoma californica californica, 74, 109, 119, 163 insularis, 209 Appleton, J. S., Brewer sparrow breeding in Simi Valley, 76 Aquila chrysaetos, 131 Ardea herodias, 103, 152 herodias herodias, 65, 74, 79 herodias treganzai, 130, 134 Arenaria melanocephala, 180 Asio flammeus, 103, 131 Asio wilsonianus, 66 Astragalinus lawrencei, 132, 136, 163 psaltria hesperophilus, 35, 74, 132, 136, 205, 211 tristis pallidus, 68 Astur atricapillus striatulus, 119 Asyndesmus lewisi, 66, 205 Athene boobook, 142 Auklet, Cassin, 151, 173, 174 Auriparus flaviceps flaviceps, 1341 '137 Avocet, 134 B Baeolophus inornatus inornatus, 74, 121 Bailey, F. M., the oasis of the llano, 43 Baldpate, 122, 130 Bartramia longicauda, 103 Beck, R. H., review of his "water birds of the vicinity of Point Pinos, California", 37 Beetham, B., review of his "the home-life of the spoonbill, the stork, and some herons", 112 Bird, Diamond, 142 Bittern, 103, 159 I,east, 157, 159 Blackbird, Brewer, 68, 74, 96, 108, 132, 136, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207 California Bicolored, 74 Red-winged, 93, 202, 204 San Diego Red-winged, 160 Tricolored, 68, 152, 160 Yellow-headed, 37, 93, 108, 132, 160 Bluebird, Arctic, 104 Eastern, 84 Mountain, 111, 134 Western, 74, 121, 134, 163, 203, 204, 205, 206 Bobolink, 67, 75, 95, 109, 211 Bobwhite, 65, 104 Bombycilla tedforum, 182 garrula, 34, 109, 111, 120 Booby, Blue-footed, 106 Brewster, 106 Botaurus lentiginosus, 103, 159 Bowles, C. W., a method of tree climbing, 138 Bowles, J. H., the pallid wren-tit (Chamaea faciata hendhawi), 30; the western winter wren (Nannus hiemalls pacificus) at Santa Barbara, 35; notes from Santa Bar- bara, 35; the troupial in California, 109; review of his "notes extending the range of certain birds on the Pacific slope", 140 Brachyramphus craverii, 38, 106 Brachyramphus hypoleucus, 38, 151 Brant, Black, 152 Branta canadensis, 103 nigricans, 152 Brewster, .W., courtship of the American golden- eye or whistler (Clangula clangula ameri- cana), 22 Bryant, H. C., the relation of birds to an insect outbreak in northern California
during the spring and summer of 1911, 195
Bubo virginianus pacificus, 66 virginianus pallescens, 153 Bucephala Icelandic. a, 24 Buffiehead, 130, 134 Bunting, Black-throated, 100, 101 Lark, 95, 96 Lazuli, 68, 182, 205, 206 Burr, H. C., an early spring trip to Anacapa Island, 164 Bush-tit, 121 California, 74, 205, 206