Another Fortnight on the Farallones (with seven photos) _.. William Leon Dawson 171 Some Robins' and Mourning Doves' Nests in the Lower Yakima Valley, Washing- ton (with two illustrations) ............... Clarence Hamilion Kennedy 184 Nesting Notes on the Ducks of the Bart Lake Region, Colorado [Part II] (with ............ ?obert B. Rockwell 186 ten photos) ...... The Relation of Birds to an Insect Outbreak in Northern California during the Spring and Summer of 1911 (with four photos) .............. Harold C. tryant 195 Further Notes from Santa Cruz Island .......... Alfrtd t. Howell and /. van ?ossem 208 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Tree-nests of the Point Pinos Junco and Other Notes.. _2Villon S. ?dy 210 Bobolink in San Mateo County, California .................... W. P. Taylor 211 . S. Xwarlh 211 Notes from Alaska .... Correction .... - .................. /tlfred E. Howell 211 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEws _ . .... 212 212 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ........... MINUTES OF COOPlR CLUB MEETINGS _ 214 216 INDIX TO VOLUME XIII ............. Entered as secOnd-class matter February. 1908. at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3. IR79. Issued from the Office of The COndor, First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. SEPARATES Separates of articles in THE CONDOR will be furnished by the Nace Printing Company, Santa Clara, California, at the following nniform rates. All orders for separates must accompany manuscript when submitted to the Editor. No. of copies 2 pages 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages Cover and Title, extra 50 $ 90 Sl 35 $2 25 S2 70 Sl OO 75 1 O0 1 50 2 40 2 9.5 1 25 100 1 15 1 65 2 65 3 15 1 50 With next issue of THE CONDOR the prices of several of the back volumes will be raised. We give you this last chance to complete your files. Do it at once so you will not regret it later. Your annual dues and subscriptions are pay- able January first. not send in our re-- mittance at once? W. LEE CHAMBERS, Business Manager, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California