head. Sides of neck like nape; lower neck, chest and fore breast nearly pure dark ash, or slate-gray; passing on lower breast into white, the feathers narrowly edged with black; more posteriorly the borders becoming broader and mixed with chestnut, and the white markings laterally assuming the form of large round spots; sides like back, but with some buffy edgings above, forming a narrow indistinct stripe, and with large conspicuous v-shaped spots of chestnut, the borders of which are not sharply defined; abdomen mainly pale grayish buff; crissum rich cinnamon Fig. 41. I-IYBRID QUAIL: RESULT O' THE CROSSIIG OF THE IOUNTAII AND VALLEY QUAILS buff, the feathers with black roesial stripes. The plumes of the crest are two, 11ar- row, broadening gradually toward the tips, moderately recurred, 61 min. in length. The bill and feet are essentially like those of O. p. p/umifows, except that the former is less robust and the curve of the tomia is more gradual. The measure- ments are: length, 288; wing, 132; culmen, 12; tarsus, 31; middle toe and claw, 41. If this hybrid be compared point by point with the two parent forms, there