You are respectfully and earnestly requested to contribute to the cost of the site and construction of this building--it and its surroundings known as Arcadia-- the Home of the Agassiz Associatiou. The editor of this magazine has contributed this space wherein this appeal may be made to you. You are in sympathy. with it because you love nature, the great outdoors, education, recreation, inspiration, health, happiness and humanity. The Agassiz Association established in 1875, incorporated in 1892 (Massachu- setts) and in 1910 (Connecticut), is world-wide in its work. It was recently made homeless by a wealthy man who owned the property it occupied which had been promised permanently. He claimed his sole reason was out of friendship to the manager who was making too great personal sacrifice in behalf of humanity, and because he and his family were working without money remuneration. It is an interesting and surprising story. We will tall it to you, if you will let us. The Charter of the A. A. says: "The purposes for which said corporation is formed are the following, to-wit: the promotion of scientific education; the ad- vaucement of science; the collection in museums of natural and scientific specimens; the employment of observers and teachers in the different departments of science, and the general diffusion of knowledge." , You balieve in those purposes. That is why we ask your aid and wish to be of service to you. No officer of the Association has or will receive a salary. Its ahruism iu all its purposes and the height of its ideals are excelled by no organization. The full story is told iu a beautifully illustrated magazine, "The Guide to Nature," its official organ. A copy will be mailed free to you upon request. Con- tributors of less thau ten dollars will receive the magaziue the number of years there are dollar in their contributions. Contributors of ten dollars or more are entered as Life Subscribers--as long as they aud the magazine are in existence. Please write for further particulars. THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION, Arcadia, South Beach, Connecticut. Edward F. Bigelow, President, the Managing Editor of "The Guide to Nature."