(6, 7, 8, 9) yield twenty-three species, all but eight of which still live. Three new genera of Raptores are represented and one new family is represented by the anomalous Teratornis merriamL, The discussion of the other four horizons is still in manuscript by Miller, and further study is required before publication. Results which are conclusive, how- ever, though thus far unpublished would raise the number of fossil species known to the coast to the total of one hundred and fifteen. Of these 19.1 per cent are now extinct. Anomalies in distribution are noticeable in the record of 2r>hoenicopterus in Oregon by Shufeldt, and of Sarcorhamphus, Catharista, 2r>az,o, Ciconia and Jabiru from Rancho La Brea by Miller. It will be noticed that most of these anomalies are cases of genera now more southern in their distribution. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Cope, E. D., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Set. 2, IX, 1894. 2. Lucas, F. A., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1891, p. 133. 3. Cope, E. D., Bull. U. S, Geol. Surv. Terr., IV, No. 2, May 3, 1878. 4. Shufeldt, R. W., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., No. 9, p. 389, 1892. 5. Miller, L. H., Univ. Calif. Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol., vol. 6. no. 4, p. 79. 6. Miller, L. H., Ibid., vol. 5, no. 19. 7. Miller, L. H., Ibid., vol. 5, no: 21. 8. Miller, L. H., Ibid., vol. 5, no. 30. 9. Miller, L. H., Ibid., vol. 6, no. 1. A COLLECTION OF WINTER BIRDS FROM TRINITY AND SHASTA COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA By LOUISE KELLOGG N FEBRUARY of this year Miss Alexander and the writer undertook a month's trip into Trinity County, partly as a preliminary survey for further work dur- ing the summer, and partly because we wanted to see how much and what kind of a collection of birds and mammals a person could make in the mountains in the winter. Hopes were enterteined of getting all sorts of unusual birds that might come there as winter visitants, and in one respect at least these hopes were realized in the finding of the Bohemian Waxwing. Then, too, we had an interest in seeing what the winter pelage of such small mammals as do not hibernate might be. We went from Redding by stage to Weaverville over the snow-covered Trinity divide, and hearing there that a good trapper was working at Helena we went on some eighteen miles farther to that town, if such it may be called, which is situated at the junction of the Trinity River and its North Fork. The town consisted merely of a hotel, a store and a couple of houses, and it was interesting to find that it was a settlement of native sons and daughters, whose parents had been drawn there by the gold excitement of earlier days. The narrow canyon of the North Fork opens out enough to make a little farming possible; but the wooded hills are close on every side and higher mountains are in sight just beyond. The life zone was considered high Upper Sonoran, some of the principal trees and shrubs being