Howard, O. W., Box 1177, Los Angeles. 1895. Howell, Alfred Brazier, 250 N. Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena. 1908. Howell, B. F., Jr., R. F. D. 1, Boo!aton, N.J. 1909. Howes, Paul G., Stamford, Conn. 1910. Howsley, L. B., Nyssa, Oregon. 1909. ' Hoxie, W. J., 1522 Bull St., Savannah, Ga. 1911. Hubbs, Carl L., R. D. 1, Box 288, Turlock. 1910. Huey, Lawrence, 32nd St. & Clay Ave., San Diego. 1909. Hunter, J. S., Union Hotel, San Mateo. 1903. Illingsworth, J. F., 126 Catherine St., Ithaca, N.Y. 1896. Ingersoll, A.M., 832 5th St., San Diego. 1895. Irving, F. N., 306 W. 36th St., Savannah, Ga. 1910. Isham, C. Bradley, 30 E. 63rd St., New York, N.Y. 1909. Jackson, Thos. H., 304 N. Franklin. St., West Chester, Pa. 1911. Jackson, Willis H., Pescadero. 1901. Jacobs, J. Warren, 404 S. Washington St., Waynesburg, la. 1909. Jay, Alphonse, 1622 Pennsylvania Ave., Los Angeles. 1901. Jay, Antonin, 1622 Pennsylvania Ave., Los Angeles. 1901. Jessee, Dr. R. L., Philo, I11. 1909. Jewett, Stanley G., 472 Bidwell Ave., Portland, Oregon. 1909. Johnson, Frank Edgar, 16 Amackassin Ter- race, Yonkers, N.Y. 1911. Johnson, Miss Myrtle E., National City. 1908. Jonas, Coleman, 1023 Broadway, Denver, Col- orado. 1910. Jones, Prof. Lynds, Mus. of Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. 1911. Jordan, A. H. B., Lowell, Wash. 1911. Jordan, Dr. David Starr, Stanford University. 1902. Judson, W. B., 409 Mason Opera House, 127 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. 1894. Julien, Miss Lillian M., Yreka, Siskiyou Co. 1901. Kaeding, Geo. L., Box 93, Eureka, Nevada 1903. Kaeding, Henry B., Candor, N.C. 1895. Kellogg, Miss Louise, 1253 Grove St., Oakland. 1911. Kellogg, Prof. Vernon L., Stanford University. 1901. Kennard, Frederic Hedge, Dudley Road, New- ton Centtee Mass. 1911. Kermode, F., Provincial Mnseum, Victoria, B.C. 19ll. Kessing, Lawrence R., 1430 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda. 1899. Keyes, Prof. Chas. R., Mt. Vernon, Iowa. 1900. Kimball, It. H., 1527 M. St., Fresno. 1909. Knickerbocker, Chas. K., 445 N. Sacramento Ave., Carpenter Sta., Chicago, Ill. 1905. KnowItoh, Dr. F. H., U.S. Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C. = 1910. Kofahl, Harry J., 123 Los Angeles St., Los An- gelS. 1909. Kofoid, Prof. C. A., Universi y of California, Berkeley. 1909. Kohler, Louis S., 98 Watsessing Ave., Bloom- field, N.J. 1909. Lamb, Chester C., Yetmo. 1899. Lane, F. M., 346Blackstone Ave., Fresno. 1911. Law, J. Eugene, Hollywood. 1900. Lelande, H. J., 246 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles. 1897. Linton, C. B., 125 W. Ocean Ave., Long Beach. 1906. Littlejohn, Chase, Redwood City. 1909. Loomis, Leverett M., Cal. Acad. of Science, San Francisco. 1902. Love, Chas. A., 3353 22nd St., San [Francisco. 1901. Luce, Geo. W., Haywards. 1904. Luther, Clarence H., 8 Mcllroy Bldg., Fayette- ville, Ark. 1909. Mailliard, Ernest C., Bank of California, San Francisco. 1909. Mailliard, John W., 300 Front St., San Fran- cisco. 1894. Mailliard, Joseph,[.IS15 Vallejo St., San Fran- cisco. 1895. Marsden, H. W., Witch Creek. 1905. Massey, Herbert, Ivy Lea Burnage, Didsbnry, Manchester, England. 1909. Matthews, Dr. Ellen, 142 Kenwood Ave., Glen- dale. 1901. McAtee, W. L., Biological Survey, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 1907. McGregor, R. C., Bureau of Science, Manila, P.I. 1893. McKechnie, F. B., Ponkapog, Mass.' 1909. McLain, R. B., Market and 12th St., Wheeling, W. Va. 1897. McQuilling, W. S., 125 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena. 1909. Mearns, Maj. Edgar A., U.S. Natl. Mus., Washington, D.C. 1905. Meeker, Jesse C. A., 51 Washington Ave., Dan- bury, Conn. 1907. Meister, H. D., Swanton, Ohio. 1909. Mershon, W. B., Saginaw, Mich. 1911. Messenger, G. H., Linden, Iowa. 1910. Miller, Prof. Loye Holmes, State Nornml School, Los Angeles. 1905. Miller, Mrs. Olive Thorne, 5928 Hayes Ave., Los Angeles. 1911. Miller, W. DeWitt, American Musenm Natural History, New York, N.Y. 1909. Miner, Dr. H. N., Upper Lake, Lake County. 1903.