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Currier, Ed. S., P.O. Drawer 21, St. Johns, Multonomah County, Oregon. 1904. Daggett, Frank S., 109 So. Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, Ill. 1895. Dalgleish, John J., Brankston (;range, Alloa, Scotland. 1910. Davenport, Mrs. Elizabeth B., Lindenhurst, Brattleboro, Vt. 1911. Davis, Evan, Orange. 1894. Davis, J. M., 811 O St., Eureka. 1908. Dawson, W. Leon, R. I). 3, Box 83, Santa Bar- bara. 1906. Day, Chester S., 15 Chilton Road, West Rox- bury, Mass. 1910. Dean, W. F., Three Rivers. 1901. Deane, Ruthyen, 135.Adams St., Chicago, Ill. 1904. Deane, Walter, 29 Brewster St., Cambridge Mass. 1907. Dearborn, Ned, Linden, Md. 1909. Dewey, C. L., care of Auto. Fire Prot. Co., Whitestone, Long Island, N.Y. 1910. Dickey, Donald R., 407 Olcott Place, Pasadena. 1910. Dickey, Samuel S., 31 S. West St., Waynes- burg, Pa. 1911. Dille, F. M., 325 16th St., Denver, Col. 1903. Dixon, Joseph, Escondido. 1904. Du Bois, Alexander Dawes, 401 S. Aurora St., Ithaca, N.Y. 1911. Duprey, H. F., Dixon. 1907. Durfee, Owen, Box 125, Fall River, Mass. 1911. Dutcher, Win., 990 Central Ave., Plainfield, N.J. 1905. Dwight, Jonathan, Jr., M.D., 134 W. 7lst St., New York, N.Y. 1904. Eastman, Lieut. F. B., 10th Inftry., Ft. Thomas, Kentucky. t904. Edson, J. M., Marietta Road, Bellingham, Wash. 1911. Esterly, C. O., Occidental College, Los Angeles. 1908. Evermann, Barton Warren, Bureau of Fisher- ies, Washington, D.C. 1911. Ferris, H. H., Care of Y. M. C.A., Lake Gen- eva, Wisconsin. 1910. Finley, Win. L., R. F. D. 1, Box 60 A, Mil- waukee, Oregon. 1900. Fischer, E. J., 721) E. 10th St., Los Angeles. 1910. Fisher, Dr. A. K., Dept. Agri., Washington, D.C. 1904. Fisher, Miss Elizabeth W., 524 Walnnt St., Philadelphia, Pa. .1910. Fisher, Prof. Walter K., Box 373, Palo Alto. 19f)0. Flanagan, Johu H., 392 'Benefit St., Providence R.I. 19{)4. Fleming, J. H., 267 Rusholme Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 1910. Follett, Richard E., 84 State St., Boston, Mass. 1909. Forrest, E. R., 357 N. Main St., Wshiugton, Pa. 1910. Fortiner, J. C., Jr., Brawley. 1910. Fowler, Frederick H., Palo Alto. 1901. Frazier, J. F., Audubon, Iowa. 1911. Frost, A. H., 255 WL 74th St., New York City, N.Y. 1910. Fuertes, Louis A., Cornell Heights, Ithaca, N.Y. 1904. Gane, Henry Stewart, Santa Barbara. 1903. Gardner, Leon L., Claremont 1911. Gault, Benj. T., Glen Ellyn, Ill. 1905. Gay, Harold S., Valardena, Durango, Mexico. 1901. Gifford, Edw. W., Cal. Acad. of Sci., San Fran- cisco. 19{)4. Gilman, M. French, Sacaton, Arizona. 1901. Goldman, E. A., Dept. of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D.C. 1901. Goldman, I,uther J., Orosi. 1908. Goodwin, Rev. S. H., Box 284, Provo, Utah. 1910. Gould, Jo. E., 5 Clifton St., Norfolk, Va. 1909. Grant, Chapman, N.Y. Aquarium, Battery Park, New York, N.Y. 1906. Grant, U.S., 4th, Salem Ceuter, Westchester Co., N.Y. 1909. Granville, Fred, 3414 Pasadena Ave., Los An- geles. 1911. Grey, Henry, R. F. D. 2, Box 154 A, San Diego. 1901. Grinnell, Joseph, U. C. Mus. Vert. Zoology, University of California, Berkeley. 1894. Groesbeck, Charles E., Venice. 1897. Guion, Geo. Seth, Napoleonville, La. 1911. Halladay, Daniel S., 729 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. 1910. Hamilton, Dr. B. A., Highland Park, Ill. 1911. Harm, H. H., Mt. ttood, Oregon. 1909. Hanna, Wilson C., Box 146, Colton. 1902. Harris, R. Park, care of Win. Wood, Renton, Wash. 1909. Hawver, Dr. 1. C., Box 214, Auburn. 1909. Hazard, R. G., Peace Dale, R.I. 1909. Heinemann, Oluf J., 1662 Grove St., San Fran- cisco. 1908. Heller, Edmund, U.S. Nat. Museum, Wash- ington, D.C. 1894. Helme, Arthur H., Miller Place, Suffolk Co., N. . 1911. Hendersou, Hon. Junius, Box 398, Boulder, Colorado. 1909. Henshaw, H. W., Dept. bf Agricultnre, Wash- ington, D.C. 1909. Hersey, L. J., 2121 West 34th Ave., Denver, Colorado. 1909. Holland, Harold M., Box 515, Galesburg, Ill. 1901. Holt, Win. L., Banning. 1909. Hoover, Theodore J., 1 London Wall, London, E. C. England. 1898.

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