nell to Mr. Tracy mentioning the active inter- est that Col. Roosevelt took in ornithological matters during his recent visit to the U. C. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology; a communica- tion from Mr. Henry Oldys, with circulars, in regard to his lectures; and a letter from Mr. F. S. Daggett in regard to the Chambliss collec- tion. President Morconi announced that the Misses Tarbell and Parker tendered, through him, to the members of the Cooper Club, an invitation to hold the spring outing meeting at their cabin in the Arroyo Seco Canyon. Mr. Lelande moved, and it was seconded by Mr.
Willett, and duly carried, that the invita-
tion be accepted, and the Secretary be instruct- ed to send a letter of acceptance with thanks of the Club. Mr. Willett read portions of the data he has collected on the water birds of Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties, which proved of much interest. Photographs taken by Prof. Loye Miller in the neighborhood of his resi- dence were exhibited. Dr. Rich also exhibited a book of photographs which had been taken in the East and presented to hiul. Adjourned. --It. J. LELANDE, 'ecretary, pro tent. MAY.---The Spring Outing Meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Club was held on Sunday afternoon, May 21, on the premises of the Misses Tarbell and Parker, Cabiu 21, Arroyo Seco Canyon. The uleeting was called to order by Presi- (lent Morcom, with the following nlenlbers present: Misses Tarbell and Palmer, Messrs. Clifton, Howell, Chambers, Miller, Judson, Alphouse Jay, Granville and Lelande. Miss Parker and Mr. Ralph Hord, and the mother, wife and children of W. B. Judson were present as visitors. On motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Judson, and duly carried, Mr. Lelande was ap- pointed Secretary pro tern. The minutes of the April meeting of both Divisions were read and approved, and ordered filed. On motion by Mr. Judson, seconded by Mr. Miller and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot o those present electing to active membership Messrs. Terrill, Brown, Helme, Case Sharples, Arnold and Trelnper. The following applications for membership were presented: Proposed by A. B. Howell; Alex. Walker, Armour, South Dakota; Dr. B. A. Hamilton, Highland Park, ,Ill.; Mr. Frank Smith, Univ. of Illinois, Ur- bana, Ill.; Barton Warren Evermann, Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D.C.; M. A. Car- riker, Jr., Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York City; W. T. Shaw, 600 Linden Ave., Pullman, Wash.; Henry J. Rust, Box 683, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; J. F. Steveus, M.D., Box 546, Lincoln, Nebraska; A. H. B. Joedan, Lowell, Wash.; Rev. Robt. Barbour, . M. C. A., Montclair, N.J.; H. Nehrling, Gotha, Orange Co., Flor- ida; F. Kermode, Curator, Provincial Mus., Victoria, B.C. Proposed by J. Grinnell, Louise Kellogg, 1253 Grove Street,Oakland, Calif. Proposed by W. L. Chambers: Gurnie Wells, Santa Rosa, Cal.; Carl Mueller, Marysville, Cal.; Owen Durfee, Box 125, Fall River, Mass.; Reginald C. Barker, Blackwater, Pinal Co., Arizona. Proposed by J. G. Tyler: Nita A. Blayney, 920 O St., Fresno, Cal.; F. M. Lane, 346 Black- stone Ave., Fresno, Cal. The resignation of Mr. G. C. Embody was read, and on motion by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Mr. Judson, and duly carried the said resignation was accepted with regret. On motion by Mr. Clifton, seconded by Mr. Miller, and duly carried, a rising vote of thanks was extended to the Misses Tarbell and Parker for their excellent luncheon and hos- pitality. Adjourned. H.J. LErANDE, Secre- tary, pro tem. Directory of Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club Revised to June 1, 1911 (Residence in California unless otherwise stated, Year .following address indicates date of election ) HONORARY MEMBERS Allen, Dr. J. A., Aulerican Museum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. 1910. Beal, Prof. F. E. L., Dept. of Agricnlture, Washington, D.C. 1910. Belding, Lyman, Stockton. 1896. Merriam, Dr. C. Hart, 1919 16th St., Washing- ton, D.C. 1909. Ridgway, Robert, 3353 18th St., N. W., Wash- ington, D.C. 1905. ACTIVE MEMBERS Adams, Ernest, Box 21 Clipper Gap, Placer Co. 1896. Allen, Arthur A., 115 Stewart Ave., Ithaca, N. . 1911. Alexander, Miss Annie M., 1006 16th St., Oak- land. 1908. Anderson, Malcolm P., Menlo Park, 1901. Appleton, J. S., Sinli, Ventura Co. 1901. Arnold, B. W., 465State St., Albany, N. . 1910. Arnold, E., Frt. Claim Agt., Grand Trunk Ry., Montreal, Quebec. 1910. Arnold, Dr. Ralph, 726 H. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles. 1893. Arnold, Dr. W'. W., 504 N. Nevada Ave., Colo- rado Springs, Colo. 1911.