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THE CONDOIk An Illustrated *fagazlne of Western Ornithology Publisked Bi-blonthly by the Cooper OmitholQ#ic&l Club J. GRINNELL. Editor. Berkerey. C-Ill. J. EVGENE LAW ) W. LEE CfiAMBE&S Business M,naere HAR&Y S. SWA&TH ' ) ROBERT B. ROCKWELL  Assoei,qe Editors G. WILLETT ) Hollywood, California: Published July 22, 1911 SUBSCIIPTION RATES One Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year in the United States, Canada, Mexico and U.S. Colonies, Dayable in advance Thirty CeMs'.the single copy. One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. Claims for missing or ireDeffect numbers should be made within thirty days of date of issue. Subscriptions and Exciaoes should be sent to the Business Manager. bio. nuscrlpts for publication. and Books and Papere for review, should be sent to the Editor. Advertising Rates on apDlication. EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS The Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County has now under construction in Expo- sition Park/formerly Agricultural Park, in the city ot Los Angeles, a building to be used for museum purposes. The name of the new in- stitution is the Museum of History, Science and Art; the building is to cost 8226,000, exclusive of heating, lighting, decorating, or furnishing. Its purpose is the conservation and exhibition of scientific, historical and art objects. It is governed by a board of nine persons, chosen as follows: Two members from the Southern California Academy of Sciences, two from the Historical Society of Los Angeles, two from the Fine Arts League, one from the Southern Divi- sion of the Cooper Ornithological Club, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and one member elected by those chosen as above stat- ed. The present members of the Board of Governors are as follows: W. A. Spalding and Dr. A. Davidson, repre- sentiug the Academy of Sciences, Dr. Geo. F. Bovard and J. M. Guinn, representing the Historical Society, Mrs. W. H. Housh and A. F. Rosenheim, representing the Fine Arts League, Howard Robertson, representing the Cooper Club, R. W. Pridham, representing the Board of Supervisors, and W. M. Bowen, member at large. Mr. W. M. Bowen has been elected President of the Board, and Mr. Howard Robertson Sec- retary. The duty of the Board is to take full Vol. XIII charge of the building, provide specimens and exhibits, and do such other things as are ordi- narily required in the conduct of an institution of this character. At ,present, progress is being made in the mounting of paleontological specimens. from La Brea Ranch, and such other specimens as have been donated up to the present time. The Museum building is divided into three wings; the north wing to be devoted to history, the south wing to natural sciences, and the west wing to art. The scientific department will be devoted to zoological specimens for ex- hibition purposes, as well as series for study, and it is expected that very large collections will be made. The historical department will deal largely with the early history of the south- west, and will contain ninny of the valuable records, books and other documents of the ear- lier history of southern California. The art de- partment will be devoted to the exhibition of paintings, statuary, etc. There is now being prepared a bronze group, representing history, science and art, which, when completed, will be placed in the rotunda of the building. Great success has been met with in obtaining exhibits, for the reason that as Los Angeles County has long been in need of a building of this kind, many people are glad of the op- portunity to place collections therein. The building, of course, is absolutely fire proof, and being a county institution, sufficient funds for its maintenance are assured. It is expected that it will be completed and ready for occu- pancy some time during the latter part of Sep- tember, or early in October. It will be some time after that before it is forfixally opened, as a large amount of work will have to be done in arranging exhibits and specimens. The "Directory of the Cooper Ornithological Club" appearing in this issue contains the names of $69 active and five honorary mem- bers, showing a substantial increase in the size of the Club during the past year. PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED J. H. BOWLES' "NOTES EXTENDING Tile [KNOWN] RANGE[S] OF CERTAIN BIRDS ON Tile PACIFIC SLOPE" (-z/ttk XXVIII, April 1911, pp. 169-178).--This article was avowedly prompted by the recognized shortcomings of the Third Edition of the A. O. U. Check-List in the matter of statements of distribution. The notes deal with about forty species as oc- curring in the State of Washington or in Cali- fornia in the vicinity of Santa Barbara. In the first place the present reviewer would make the point in defense of the Check-List that the limitations imposed by practical size of the work necessitated the use of the most general terms in the outlining of ranges. On this score the Check-List statement that Cer- thiafamiliaris zeloies ranges "south to San Jacinto Mountains, spreading into adjacent valleys in winter" would seem to cover the possibility of its occurrence at Santa Barbara

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