93. Troglodytes aedon parkmaul. Western House Wren. But one noted, an adult at Mecca, January 7. 94. Telmatodytes palustris paludicola. Tule Wren. Confined to the tule patches'along the Alamo and at Salton. 95. Auripaxus flayJeeps flayJeeps. Vetdin. Two noted at Alamofla. Abun- dant in the mesquite at Mecca. 96. Polioptila caerulea obscura. Western Gnatcatcher. Noted only at Mecca in equal abundance with the next. As a rule found in trees while plumbea was more often seen in the low brush. 97. Polioptila plumbea. Plumbeous Gnatcatcher. Common in all three lo- calities. Often seen in pairs. 98. Regulus calendula calendula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. each place. Most seen at Mecca. 99. Planesticus migratorius propinquus. Western Robin. Mecca in the mistletoe-bearing mesquite. Two from Alamoria. 100. Sia-lia mexicanus occidentalis. Western Bluebird. twenty hung about Mecca for two days. 101. Sialia currucoides. Mountain Bluebird. ley December 12, the only one seen. Several noted at Abundant about A flock of about An adult male taken at Braw- BIRDS FOUND AT MECCA, MARCH'18 TO 31, 1911 1. Colymbus nigricollis californicus. Eared Grebe. Several individuals and sometimes small flocks of from three to seven frequently seen at Salton Sea. 2.- Laxus alifornicus. California Gull. Common at the sea. 3. Laxus delawaxensis. Ring-billed Gull. Common. Adult birds already had the pure white head and neck of the breeding plumage. 4. Phalacroorax auritus albociliatus. Abundant. Usually in large flocks about a mile off shore. No occupied nests were found and the birds had not yet taken on the breeding plumes. 5. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos. White Pelican. But one or two seen. Pro- bably most had gone to their island, about thirt[ ' miles out, to breed. 6. Dafila acura. Pintail. Fairly common m twos and threes in the weeds along shore. 7. Maxila afiinis. Lesser Scaup. A pair on a reservoir March 19. 8. Chaxitonetta albeola. Bufflehead. Three small flocks of two pairs each seen at the sea March 24.
9. Nycticorax nycticorax naevius. Black-crowned Night Heron. Several at
Salton March 24. One or two roosted in the cottonwood about a reservoir at Mecca. 10. Ardea herodias treganzii. Treganza Blue Heron. Not as common as during the winter. A nearly white albino seen March 24 in company with a normal bird. The plumage showed a decided bluish tinge even at a distance. 11. firus mexicanus. Sandhill Crane. Two small flocks stayed about the fields near Mecca. 12. Recurvirostra americana. Avocet. Two flocks of about thirty each seen near the boat landing, were very tame allowing a close approach. Some were in complete breeding plumage and others in every shade to nearly clear gray on the head and neck. 13. Gal!inago delicata. Wilson Snipe. Seen nearly every day, usually in pairs. The ovary of a female taken March 2g contained an egg the size of a small pea,