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' TH E CONDOR Vol. XlII .'the said mounted birds, 'th.e species and num- ber of specimens Of each. Messrs. Grinnell, Mailliard, and Hunter had been appointed a committee to ascertain in what manner the Cooper Club could best co~ operate with the State Fish and Game Com- mission, for the protection of the birds of the State, and Mr. Mailliard read a letter that the Committee had addressed to the Chairman of the Assembly Conmittee on Fish and Game, expressing the confidence of the Club in the policy of the Fish and Game Commission, and urging that the present laws be upheld. Mr. W. P. Taylor, as chairman of the Com- mittee on securing the meeting of the Amer- ican Ornithologists Union in San Francisco in 1915, made the following recommendation: Whereas the purpose for which this committee was appointed would at this stage best be sub- serbred by co-operation with the Pacific Asso- Ciation of Scientific Societies, it i therefore recommended that the first annual neeting of the Cooper Ornithological Club as a whole b held at the UniVersity of California, Berkeley, on March 31 and April 1, 1911, in conjunction .With the annual meeting of the Pacific Asso- ciation. Mr. Taylor's report was accepted, and it was moved and seconded and duly car- ried, that the committee be instructed to further co-operate with the Pacific Asssociation, and to arrange for a joint meeting of the societies, as recommended. A discussion arose as to the proper disposal of the manuscript of Belding's "Water Birds of California", now in possession of the Club, and it was finally decided to place it on deposit in the Bancroft Library, if the rules of that in- Stitution so permitted. Mr. Coggins read an entertaining and inter- esting comnunication he had recently re- ceived from Mr. Witruer Stone, of Philadel- phia. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARri, 3?cretary. MxacI.--The March meeting of the Cooper Club was held on March 31 and April 1, in conjunction with the first annual meeting of the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies. The business meeting was held on the evening of March 31, at the Mint Restaurant, San Francisco, with President Mailliard in the chair aud the following members present: John Mailliard, Ernest Mailliard, J. Grinnell, W. P. Taylor, O. Heinemann, H. Coggins, W. K. Fisher, C. Littlejohn and H. W. Cartiger; and with E. A. Mcllhenny as a visitor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and approved as read, followed by read- .ing of the minutes of the Southern Division. The secretary .was instructed to cast a ballot electing to membership in the Club the follow- ing, whose names were proposed at the last meeting: F.M. Lane, Fresno, Cal.; Nita A. Blayney, Fresno, Cal. i Reginald C. Barker, Blackwater, Ariz.; Owen Durfee, Fall River, Mass.; Robert Barbour, Montelair, N.J.; H. Nehrling, Gotha, Florida. The following proposals for membership were read, to be acted upon at the next meet- ing: EliZabeth B. Davenport, Brattleboro, Vt.; J. F. Frazier, Audubon, Iowa; Roy Norris, Richmoud, Indiana; S. S. Dickey, Waynes- -burg, Pennsylvania; W. B. Mershon, Saginaw, Mich.; Frank O. Pilsbury, Walpole, Mass.; J.- H. Trumbull, Plainville, Conn.; A.D. DuBois, Ithaca, N.Y.; Rowena A. Clarke, St. Louis, Mo.; F. H. Kennard, Newton Center, Mass.; Juliette A. Owen, St. Joseph, Mo.; P. B. Philipp, New York; Eugene E. Caduc, Boston, Mass.; Joseph Parker Norris, Philadelphia, Pa,; W. J. Hoxie, Savannah, Ga.; J. M. Edson, Bellingham, Wash.; W. T. Shaw, Pullman, Wash,; H.J. Rust, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; J. F. Stephens, Lincoln, Neb.; Fi H. B. Jordan, Lowell, Wash.; F. Kermode, Victoria, B.C.; all presented. by A. B. Howell; Miss Louise Kellogg, Oakland, Cal., proposed by J. Grin- nell; and Carl Mueller, Marysville, Cal., pro- posed by W. Lee Chambers. Mr. Grinnell reported that the authorities of the Bancroft Library had expressed their wil- lingness to have the manuscript of Belding's "Water Birds of California" (the property of the .Club) deposited in the library, and it was decided to do so. Mr. W. P. Taylor reported 'on the actions and progress of the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies. A report was received from Mr. Roswell Wheeler on the condition of certain mounted birds, the property of the Club, now in an Oakland school. Certain changes in the new Club Constitu- tion, suggested by the Southern Division, were read and discussed, and the xnatter was re- ferred to the committee that originally had the matter in charge. Letters were read from. Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, Mr. G. S. Guion, and Mr. Witmet Stone; and Mr. McIlhenny and Mr. Littlejohn entertained the Club with accounts of their Alaska experiences. On the afternoon of April 1 the Club met in California Hall, University of California to listen to an illustrated lecture by Dr. W. Fisher on the bird colonies of Laysan Island. He was followed by Mr. H.L. Coggins who .spoke on "An Apology for Popular Ornithol- ogy". Owing to the absence of Mr. Loye Holmes Miller, his paper on fossil birds was read by title. After these lectures, which were open to the public, the Club members met in- formally in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. In the evening most of the nembers attended: the general meeting of the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies.--H. W. CARRIGER, Secretary, pro gem.

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