The Literary and Other Principles in Ornithological Vriting lrillon S. Ray 81
Nesting Habits of the Western Flycatcher(with one photo)._ Harriet tl'illiamsIIIyers 87 My Avian Visitors: Notes from South Dakota _._ H. Tullsen 89 A Nesting Colony of Heermann Gulls and Brewster' B-bs (with three photos) ....... John E. Thayer 104 VXib 'AND STUDy Remarks on the Food of Young Cowbirds . HI. L. Igc,qtee 107 Notes on a Broken Leg in the White-rumped Shrike (with three drawings) .... Clarence Hamilton Kennedy 107 The Catbird in outhern Idaho . E. IVyman 10S A Nesting Incident of the Brewer Blackbird . E. lbSman 108 The Virginia Rail at Helena, Montana, in Winter lrelas 1. Saunders 108 Occurrence of the Red Crossbill in Southern Idaho iL. E. F/yman 108 The Yellow Rail in Southern California '"in[ree 1. Osburn 108 Some August Notes for Lake Valley _ 3gillon S. Ray 108 The Bohemian Waxwing in Placer County, California ...... E. tV. Gifford 109 The Egret in Southern California C. . inlon 109 The Troupial in California ... f. H. Bowles 109 Bobolink at Great Altitude f. Clarence Hersey 109 Unusual Nesting Site of the San Nicolas Rk Wren. C. . Linton 109 Field Notes from the San Joaquin Valley ........ f. Grinnell 109 An Albino Sparrow W.E. Unglish 111 The Bohemian Waxwing in Scraneto 'unt-, Cafi'forni _ . f. Grinnell 111 EDITORIAL NOTES AID NEWS ........... 112 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED 112 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................. 113 Entered as second-class matter February. 1908, at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station). California, under Act of Congress of March 3, lS79. Issued from the Office of The Condor. First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. SIPARAT]$S Separates of articles in THE CONDOR will be furnished by the Nace Printing Company, Santa Clara, California, at the following uniform rates. All orders for separates must accompany manuscript when submitted to the Editor. 14o. of copies 2 pages 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages Cover and Title, extra 50 1 90 $1 35 t[2 25 $2 70 $1 00 75 1 00 1 50 2 40 2 95 1 25 100 1 15 1 65 2 65 3 15 1 50 BIRD FOLKS Will find complete outfits for Camp- ing and Tramping under our big roof CLOTHING FOOTWEAR EQUIPMENT Small calibre guns and amunition, game bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The !Vm. n0eee Co., Inc. greatest sporting goods Ho,se on the Pacific oast Phones Home 10087; Main 8447 x38-x4 - South Main St., Los Angeles When replying to advertisements by CHESTER BARLOW Published to Sell at 50c. I have secured the balance of these dainty booklets and want every reader of The Condor to have one. I will send them as long as they last for 4c each, just enough to cover the mailing. W. LEE CHAMBERS Eagle Rocl% Cal. )lease mention TI:LE CONDOR.