For Sale, Exchange and Want Column.--In this space members of the
Cooper Club are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but notJbr sale. Notices must be written ')lainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LE CXAZBERS, ]l. )9. no. ', t3ox 73 JD, Los Aneles, Ca/if. WANTED.--Naturalist, Austin, Tex., I, nos. 2 and 6; The Naturalist, Oregon City, I, no. 12, Nov.-Dec. 1894; Bull. Michigan Orn. Club, V, no. 3; Random Notes on Nat. IlisL, I, nos. 1 to 4, II, no. 12, III, 5 to 11. Good prices paid. --DR. WM. C. BRAISLIN, 556 Washington Ave- hue, Brooklyn, 2V. I5 XVANTED--A few ood skins of the Prairie Chicken. Offer in exchange California skins and sets.--G. WirrEr, 2125 Court St., Los ,4ngeles, Cal. CAN you furnish me with any of the follow- ing nos: Nidiologist, I, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8; Osprey, I, 2, II, 2, 5 to 9 inclusive, 11, 12, III, cora- lere, or all but no. 1, IV, 1 to 10 inclusive, V, 1, 2, $, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10?--FRED B. MCKECHNIE, Ponkapog, flIass. FOR EXCraANOE--First-class eggs in sets with data. I want from the original collector sets of 349, 355 and 556.--B. G. WILLARD, BOX 107, lillis, 2[ass. WANTED VOR CASrX--In original covers, clean and in perfect condition for biuding: Wilson Bulletin, nos. 4, 6, 7; The Osprey (new series), vol I, 1902, no. 7; The Oologis vol. III (1886), no. 4, vol. IV (1887), nos. 1, 3, 4; vol. V (1888), no. 6, vol. VI (1889), no. 4, nos. 139 and 266; The Journal of the Maine Orn. See., vol. IV, nos. 2, 3, 4, vol. V, nos. 1, 4; The Iowa Ornithologist, vol. II, nos. 1, 2, 4, vol. IV, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4.--G. H. MESSENGI,R, President Linden Bank, Linden, Iowa. WANTED--Four sets, each with nests if pos- sible, of Audubon Oriole, Dickcissel, Rufus Hummingbird, C o o p e r Tansget, Mearns Thrasher, Canyon Wren, Varied Thrush. If you can supply any or all, with or without nests, write me what you want for them. H. BAILEY, P.O. Box 154, Newport News, Va. WANTEI)--I wish-to exchange for warbler skins, especially those of the South or South- west. What have you and what do you want? All letters answered promptly.L E. WYMAN, 2Vamps, Idaho. IOTICE--Do you desire pecimens from Low- er California? During the coming season I will be able to fitrnish perfectly prepared specimens of Bird Skins, Eggs, Mammals, and Reptiles from the Cape San Lucas and Magdalena Bay re- gions.PINGREE I. OSBURN, 189 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Cal. FOR SALE--Complete file of T. CODOR; printer's zample copy. Offer wanted.--NAC PRINTING COMPANY, Santa Clara, Calif. BIRD FOLKS Will find complete outfits for Camp- ing and Tramping under our big roof. CLOTHING FOOTWEAR EQUIPMENT Small calibre guns and amunition, game bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The Xm. n0eee Co., Inc. Greatest Sporing Goods House on me Pacific Coast Phones Home 10087; Main 8447 x38-x42 South Main St., Los Angeles B ll}D LORE Is now publishing a series of plates, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, illustrating Je Sparrows o! North Amer- ica in Color 20 cents a copy $1.00 a year D. Applclon & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. and Iew York City When replying to advertisements please mention Tile CONDOR