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The Oasis of the Llano (with one photo) .... Florence 2;lerriam 2?alley 43 The Blue-throated tIummingbird (with four photos) ..... Frank C. ll/illard 46 Odds and Ends ............................ Joseph ]}[ailliard 49 Doves on the I'ima Reservation iF/. l*Yench Oilman Notes on the Nesting of the Forster and Black T in -olrado (with seven photos) Roberl 2. Rockwell Summ;--3i;ds gf Wili"eek-lley; liliur County,---e-gon__ l1orton E. Peck 63 Nesting of the California Cnckoo in Los Angeles County, California (with three ...... photos) .'tntonin Jay 69 An April Day List ofl,eras Valley -irds Henr) Ill. Ca'tiger nd Mdton S. Ray 73 FROM FIELD AND STUI) Bobolink agaiu Noted in Idaho L.E. IVyman 75 Pinyon Jay at Salem, Oregon 2}I. E. 2eck 75 The CMifornia Shrike as a Reptii Destroyer Pingree I. Osburn 75 The Spotted Owl in Northern California ................. C. L Clay 75 Early Spring Arrival of Bullock Oriole at Los Angeles 'tnlonin Jay 75 Sparrow Notes from Fresno County, California ..... John G. Tyler 76 Brewer Sparrow Breeding in Simi Valley J.S. ,rippleton 76 Notes on Two Birds from Santa Catalina Island, Calif-ia P:ngree I. Osburn 76 Blue~winged Teal in Southern California ...... G. 'illett 76 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ......... 77 OPEN LTTERS .__ 78 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED. ................................................................ 79 Entered as second-class matter February, 1908. at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station). California. under Act of Congress of March 3. lS79. Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. SEPARATES Separates of articles in TH CONDOR will be furnished by the Nace Printing Company, Santa Clara, California, at the following uniforn rates. All orders for separates must accompany manuscript when submitted to the Editor. No. of copies 2 pages 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages Cover and Title, extra 50 $ 90 $1 3.5 $2 25 S2 70 $1 00 75 I 00 I 50 2 40 2 9.5 I 25 100 I 15 I 65 2 65 3 15 I 50 Price List of Cooper Club Publications Vol. MAGAZINE I, 1899, Bulletin of the Cooper Orn. Club Vol. II, 1000, The Condor - $3.00 Vol. III, 1901, " " - 3.00 Vol. IV, 1902, " " 2.00 Vol. V, 1903, " " - 1.50 Vol. VI, 1904, " " 1.50 Vol. VII, 1905, " " 1.50 Vol. VIII, 1906, " " 1.50 Vol. IX, 1907, " " - 1.50 Vol. X, 1908, " " 1.50 Vol. XI, 1909, " " 1.50 Vol. XII, 1910, " " 1.50 Vol. XIII, 1911, " " current 1.50 Odd numbers of any volume (except first 4) - - - .30 Separates (a very few copies) "List of Land Birds of Placer}ille, Cal.," (Central Sierra Nevada Mrs.) by Chester Barlow; 35 pages; 11 half- tones, Nov. 1901 .50 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 1--"Birds of the Kotzebue Sonrid Region, Alaska," by Joseph Grin- nell; 80 pp. and map; Nov. 1900 $0.75 No. II--"Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, Cali[ornia," by R. C. Mc- Gregor; 22 pp.; May, 1901 .25 No. III--"Check List of CaliL Birds," by Joseph Grinnell; 100 pp. and 2 maps, June, 1902 1.50 No. IV--"Birds of the Huachuca Mts., Arizona," by Harry S. Swarth; 75 pp.; April 15, 1904 - .50 No. --"A Bibliography of California Ornithology," by Joseph Grinnell; 166 pp.; May 15, 1909 1.50 No. VI--Index to the Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, vol. I, 1899, and its continnation The Condor, Vols. II-X, 1900-1908, by H. B. Kaeding; 48 pp.; May 15, '09 1.00 COOPER CLUB DUES FOR x9xx ARE NOW PAYABLE ($z.oo per year) W. LI CHAlklBERS, Bus. Manager, R. F. D. No. x, Box 73 D Los Angeles, California. XVben replying to advertisements please mention THE CONDOR.

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