For Sale, ]xchane and Want Colurns--in this space members of the
Cooper Club are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange;'..bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address lat. LzE CHAiBERS, ]7. Z). no. z, ox 73 Z), Los An,eles, LliJ IOR S&LI1 OR EXCHANGIL---The following fine sets: Audubon's Ornithological Biography, 1831-39, 5 vols. complete; Audubon's Synopsis of Birds of America, 1839; Nuttall's Manual, or/g. ed., 1832-34, 2 vols. complete. ianted: The Auk, vols. 1, 2, 3 and 6; The Osprey, new series, vol. l; Swainson and Richardsoh's Fauna Boreali-Americana.--CH&Ri rt. Vernon, Iowa. WA:rEDWheelock,s "Birds of California" Goss's "Birds of Kansas"; any or all of the"Iowa Ornithologist. ,,j. L. SLOANagR, Raisin, Fresno Co., Cal. XVnTED.Nidiologist, Vol. I, No. 2.11 JOHZSON, Pittsfield, lle. WAlD.lVidio!ogisl: Vol. I, all except no. 9; Vol. III, no. 12; Osprey: VoL I, nos. 2, 4, b, 8, Vol. IV, no. 3, Vol. V, all nos.; Condor: Vol. I, no. 2; 'luk: Vol. IX, no. 3, and other whole volumes. Cash or sets offered.DR. T. W. RICHARDS, U.S. NAVY, 1911 VStreet, il., l/asinglon, D.C. Wz<rttDFirat-claa$ sets, any variety, of Pine Grosbeak, Hermit, Mangrove, Orange-crowned, Tennessee, Sennett, and Connecticut Warblers; Salt Marsh Yellow-Throat anti Belding Yellow-Throat; Oregon, Alaska, Gray, Texas and Blue-cared .lay, Spotted Owl.E. ARNOLD Freight Claim /Igent, Grand Trunk Ry lronlreal, Canada. ' FOR EXCHaGAta bargain, setsand singles oCsuch species as}Northern Phalarope, Semipal_ mated Plover, Am. Rough-legged Hawk, Snowy Owl, Raven, Snowflake, Lapland Long- spur, Tree Sparrow, Am. Pipit, Gray-cheeked rhrush, etc., because one or more eggs ar im- perfect or o part of the set has been destroyed, ! collect sets of birds of prey only, but also de- sire living turtles and certain other reptiles. J. D. SORNoaGEa, RowIcy, .rassaclmsetts. WANTIDChoice sets of 455a455s---463. 469--646.-_ 646b 647 -- 651 6.52b--660-- 662--663a -- 64 --672--675a--681 e-- 681e682__ 53754il--540a540b__.542 542b -- 546a554a ---559--565a--565 566 --567e--568570a573a 54a 576 -- 579--580580a580b582_._585_ 585b594--594b_ 597a 610a ---621--625 --629a --629c630--631a.--632c 634. --A E. PRICE, Grant Park, /1l. NOTIcR.--DO you hold all yon take? If not and you should land an exceptionally well marked set of Golden Eagle eggs the coming season, blow them with unusually small holes and communicate with me; I will make you a tempting offer.__F. N. IRVING P. O. BOX584 vannah, Ga.
WAzarD.Several skins Yellow-billed Mag-
pie; also various Lower California and boreal forms of birds. Exchange limited to perfect skins. Offer desirable Lower Rio Grande ma- terial in skins and sets. .A-US:rtN PAUL SMITII, Box 141, rownsville, Texas. ' SI1ND ten good skins different species small California or Foreign birds, full data. Receive exchange five Costa R/ca and five Illinois speci- es not found in California.--HNRY K. l-/iffbland Park, IlL XYA!gTID.To correspond with 'a collector 328-- 332--334340--343-- 344__345__352a355 --356---367--368--379, for which I can o?,.er good exchane.--ALaED B. HOWELL, 250 .A,.Orange Grove :qve., Pasadena, CoL FOR SALE--Complete file of THR COZYnoR; printer's sample copy. Offer wanted.--NCR PRIITING COMPANY BOX 103, .znta Clara. Calif. ' WnN:rED:--Positin as vertebrate zoological collector. Write for reference, eIc.--ERNIST P' ALKlR,Ontrose,iblo. .IA'AlTllDBrewster's Birds q 1/it Cape Re- gwn. Will give cash or bird skins. Have good list of'.strietly first class specimens of skins and eggs for excimnge.PINGRllE I. OSBI. IRN 1894]'. Llo...,. Pasadena, CoL RARE BIRD .BOOKS iOR SALE.-'---n bnilding up my library I have purchased at times lots which contained many duplicate books. I wish to dispose of these duplicates. If you are interested send for a list.--W. L CHAMBIZRS, R. F. p., ro. 1, BOX 3 F). LOS Ingele$, . CoL ' WAIWIDTo exchange for choice sets of 441.1-442--453-- 454b -- 455a -- 457--459 462a 46.5464--464a---469.._469.1470a--472. . E. LAw, Holl,ood, CoL WAND.Osprey. Vol. IV, No. 8.--O. WIDMANN, 5105 I[organ 3., l. Louis, XVANWRD---A strictly 1st class set of Golden Eagle eggs with full data. Absolutely nothing but a well prepared, all 'round, A 1 set will be considered. I have sets of B.,ald Eagle, my own take, blown with holes 1-3_ of an inch in diameter. If you have anything especially desirable to offer communicate withF. N. IRVIN/;, . O. BOX 58g, Savannah. Ga. The Cooper Club management wishes to purchase or exchange for any nos. of Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Clnb, Vol. I, and certain odd nos. of Vol. II, THE CONDOR.--V. Llzlz CHAMBIeRS, BusinessManager. ?. P. No. 1, ]?o;c 73 D., Los Ingeles ' Cal.