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Jan., 1911

birds in the young student through his own work in providing protection for them.-- H. T. C. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETIN(;S NORTHERN DIVISION OCToBER---The October meeting of the North- em Division of the Club was held in the re- search room of the Museunl of Vertebrate Zoology on the evening of October 22, with the following members present: J. Grinnell, J. Mailliard, Dr. C. ttart Merriam, L. H. Miller, M. Ray, Oluf Heinemann, D. Cohen, W. P. Taylor, Herbert Coggins, H. Cartiger, T. I. Storer, H. C. Bryant and Mr. Jmld. Dudley Brown was present as visitor. The meeting was called to order by President Grinnell who called on Mr. W. P. Taylor to give the paper of the evening. Mr. Taylor gave a very interesting talk, illustrated by a number of skins, about the birds of the Modoc Region of northeastern California. At the conclusion of Mr. Taylor's talk the niPtubers indulged in a general discussion :elative to the birds collected and as Dr. Merriam had ex- plored at the sanle locality in fornler years the same proved very interesting. The regular order of husiness was now taken up and the minutes of the last meeting were read, and approved as read. The minutes of the Southern Division were also read. The Secretary was instructed to cast the unaninlous ballot of those present electing to active nlenl- betship Messrs. Bryant, Stern, Storer, tI. Cog- gins, Irving, Messrnger and Beers, whose names had been presented at a former meeting. The applications of I)mlley C. Brown, proposed by H. W. Cartiger, Carl L. Hnbbs, by L. H. Miller, and Donald R. Dickey, by Mr. Chanl- bets, were presented and laid over till next meeting. Mr. Grinnell stated that W. Leon Dawson was conling to San Francisco, and would probahly locate in California and spend the next four or five years in studying the birds of the State. Mr. Grinnell also spoke about the use of vernacular names anti expressed his preference for California Condor, California Linnet, and Western Kingbird, instead of Cali- fornia Vulture, House Finch and Arkansas Kingbird as given in the new Check-List. The matter was discussed by the nlenlbers present. Donald Cohen stated that the birds presented to the Club SOllie years ago were in a school .at Oakland and were heing well taken care of. Adjourned.--H. W. CARRIGER, Secretary. NOVEMBER.--The November meeting of the Northern Division of the Club was hehl on the evening of November 19 in the research room of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, with the following nlenlbers present: . K. Fisher, J.

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'"'"' '"" MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETIN( i  ." ." . : J o 39 Grinnell, J. Mailliard, It. S. Swarth, W. P. Taylor, W. Leon Dawson, M. Ray, O. Heine- mann, H. Coggins, D. Brown, N. Stern, H. Bryant, P. Judd, T. Storer, and H. W. Carti- ger. Mr. Carroll was present as a visitor. The niPeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. with President Grinnell in the chair. Mr. H. L. Coggins, formerly secretary of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club, was in- troduced by the president and gave a very in- teresting account of that society, the interests, acttattles and ulenlbership of the club being briefly onttined in a most interesting and aliiusing manner. At the conclusion of Mr. Coggins' talk the business of the club was taken up, and the minutes of the last Uleeting were read, and ap- proved as read. ()n motion the secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of nlenlbers present electing to active menlbership the following individuals, whose names were presented at the last meeting: Carl I,. Hubbs, Donald R. Dickey, and 1)ndley II. Brown. The application of Althea R. Shernlan, McGre- gor, lowa, proposed by Mr. Chanlhers, was read aml laid over till next meeting. The committee having in charge the revision of the Club's constitution presented a draft of the same, and, on motion, tile President re- ferred it to a conlnlittee of three, consisting of Messrs. W. P. Taylor, J. Maillihrd, aml M. Ray. Mr. Grinnell spoke of the advisability of having' stated nights on which the Club . would meet, and on ulotion it was decided to meet every third Saturday of each month. The use of vernacular names was again discnssed by the nlenll)ers but no definite action was taken. The President then introduced Mr. W. Leon Dawson, allthor of the Birds of Ohio, and Birds of Washington; also secretary of the Caurimls Club of Washington. Mr. Dawson extemled greetings from the Canfinns Club, and pro- ceeded to ontline his plans in regard to his pro- posed work on the Birds of California. At the conclusion of Mr. l)awson's talk the UleUlbers present discussed the matter, and a motion was nlade by Mr. J. Mailliard, secoruled by Mr. W. P. Taylor, that the Cooper Ornitho- logical Club heartily endorse Mr. Dawson's plans, and pledge its moral support and co- operation ill the task of preparing a work upon The Birds of California. Motion was carried. A motion was nlade by Mr. W. K. Fisher, sec- onded by Mr. H. C. Bryant, that Mr. W. Leon Dawson be granted permission to associate the name of the Cooper Ornithological Chlb with his own on the title page of the fo{-thconling work, after the following forulula: "The Birds of California, by W. Leon Dawson with the cooperation of the menlbers of the Cooper Ornithological Chlb." This was carried also.

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