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A History of Certain Great 1Iorned Owls (with thirteen photos) Charles R. Ayes Nesting of the California Cuckoo (with one photo) 41fred C. Shelton Courtship of the American Golden-eye or Whistler (Clangula clanKula ameri- cana) (with drawings by L. ,q. Fuertes) IVilliam ?rewster The Pallid Wren-Tit (Champs fascists henshawl) ._ f. H. Bowles Collecting Soeorro and Black Petrels in Lower California (with two photos) ........... Pingtee 1. Osburn FROM FIELD AND STUDY A Second Occurrence of the Bohemian Waxwing in Southern California Chester 'Lamb The Western Winter Wren {lannus hiemalts pacificus} atl, Santa Barbara Notes from Ventura County, California A Stray White Pelican ......

Notes from Santa Barbara 

Notes from Sacaeon, Arizona EDITORIAl, NOTES AND NEWS PUBLIC&TIONS REVIEWED MINUTES OF CooPER CLuB MEETINGS -- 4 22 31 34 J. iV. Bowles ." 35 - Lawrence Peygon 35 __ J. Eugene Law 35 J. H. Bowles 5 -' [. French (?ihnan 35 36 37 39 Entered as second-class matter February. 1908. at the pct office at Los Angeles {Hollywood Station). California. under Act of Congress of March . 1879. Issued from the Office o[ The Condor. First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. SPARATS Selfrates of articles in THE CONDOR will be furnished by the Nace Printing Comlink, Santa Clara, California, at the following uniform rates. All orders for separates mnst accompany manuscript when submitted to the Editor. No. of copies 2 pages 4 pages 8 pages 12 pages Cover and Title, extra 50 $ 90 -1 35 $2 25 $2 70 $1 00 75 1 O0 I 50 2 40 2 95 1 25 100 1 15 I 65 2 65 3 15 1 50 Price List of Cooper Club Publications MAGAZINE Vol. I, 1899, Bulletin of the Cooper Orn. Club Vol. lI, 1900, The Condor $3.00 Vol. III, 1901. " " 3.00 Vol. IV, 1902, " " - 2.00 Vol. V, 1903, " " 1.50 Vol. VI, 1904, " " - 1.50 Vol. VII, 1905, " " 1.50 Vol. VIII, 1906, " " - 1.50 Vol. IX, 1907, " " 1.50 Vol. X, 1908, " " - 1.50 Vol. XI. 1909, " " 1.50 Vol. XlI, 1910, " " 1.50 Vol. XIII, 1911, " " current 1.,50 Odd nnmbers of any volume (excePt first 4) - - - .. Separates (a very few copies) "List of Land Birds of Placerville, Cal.," (Central Sierra Nevada Mrs.) by PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 1--"Birds of the Kotzebne Sound Region, Alaska," by Joseph Grin- nell; 80 pp. and map; Nov. 1900 $0.75 No. II--"Land Birds of Santa Cruz Connty, California," by R. C. Mc- Gregor; 22 pp.; May, 1901 .25 No. III--"Check List of Calif. Birds," by Joseph Grinnell; 100 pp. and 2 maps, June, 1902 1.50 No. IV--"Birds of the Huachuca Mrs., Arizona," by Harry S. Swarth; 75 pp.; April 15, 1904 - ..50 No. V"A Bibliography of California Ornithology," by Joseph Grinnell; 166 pp.; May 15, 1909 - 1.50 No. VI--Index to the Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club, vol. I, 1899, and its continuation The Chester Barlow; $5 pages; ll half- Condor, Vols. II-X, 1900-1908, by tones, Nov. 1901 .50 H.'B. Kaeding; 48 pp.; May 1S, '09 1.00 COOPIeR CLUB DUllS FOR 19II AR NOW PAYABL] ($2.00 per year) W. L]] CHAMB]RS, Bus. Manager, R. F. D. No. x, Box 73 D Lo Angeles, California. When replying to advertisements please mention HE CONDOR.

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