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s Salpincts obsoletus, 21, 39, 88, 172 Sandpiper, Least, 44, 76 Pectoral, 44 Red-backt, 100 Spoon-billed, 135 Spotted, 29, 44, 76, 164 Western, 44, 82, 99 Sapsucker, Red-naped, 107, 200 Sierra, 149 Williamson, 32, 149, 203 Saunders, Aretas A., the bluebird (Sialia sialis) in Park county, Montana, 80; singing of the female slat-colored fox sparrow, 80; bird notes from southwestern Montana, 195; a correction, 204 Sayornis phoebe, 98 maya, 33, 98 Scoter, Surf, 173 White-winged, 173 Scotothorus veraepacis, 54 Seedeater, Morellet, 101 Seiurns noveboracensis notabilis, 43 Selasphorus alleni, 46 platycercus, 33, 204 rufus, 78, 204 Setophaga picta, 78 ruticilla, 99 Shearwater, Black-vented, 78, 79, 186 Dark-bodied, 170, 174 Piuk-footed, 173 Sooty, 78, 79 Shrike, Alaska, 43 Northern, 38 White-rnmpt, 38, 96 Sialia currucoides, 39, 44, 88, 149, 202 mexicana bairdi, 39 sialis, 811 Siskin, Pine, 36, 61 Sitta canadensis, 136 carolineusis nelsoni, 39 nelsoni, 182 neumayeri, 179 Skimmer, Black, 76 Smith, Austin Paul, miscellaneous bird notes from the lower Rio Grande, 93 Smith, Horace G., two arian stragglers within the state of Colorado, 133 Snipe, Jack, 163 Wilson, 196, 197 Solitaire, Townsend, 39, 61, 110, 199 Somateria spectabilis, 46 Sparrow, Bell, 171 Black-throated, 100, 110 Brewer, 26, 27, 36, 85, 193, 195 California Sage, 108, 109 Cassin, 99, 100 Chipping, 171 Clay-colored, 163 Colima Ground, 78 English, $0, 88, 97 Golden-crowned, 43 Grasshopper, 100 House, 36 Intermediate, 110 Lark, 99 Lincoln, 78, 196, 198 Mountain Song, 37, 88, 196 Rufous-crowned, 123, 124, 166 Rusty Song, 108 Sage, 108 San Clemente Song, 172 Savannah, 27, 100, 196 Scott, 182 Shumagin Fox, 43 Slate-colored Fox, 80, 88, 196 Song, 20, 136, 165 Swamp, 37 Texas, 100 Texas Seaside, 1} Thick-billed, 89, 131 Valdez Fox, 140 Western Chipping, 36, 193, 199 Western Grasshopper, 108, 109, 138, 204 Western Lark, 36, 44, 110, 193 Western Savannah, 36 Western Tree, 36, 43, 99 Western Vesper, 36, 196' White-crowned, 36, 86, 108 Spatula elypeata, 29 Spelling, simplified, editorial comments upon use of, 176 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 32 Sphyrapieus thyroideus, 32, 203 varius nuchalis, 107, 200 Spinus pinus, 36 Spizella breweri, 36, 85, 193, 194 monticola ochracea, 36, 43, 99 passerina arizouae, 36, 193, 199 Spoonbill,' 29 Roseate, 76, 103 Sporophila morelleti, 101 Steganopus tricolor, 29, 87 Stephens, F., the Alaska longspur in Califor- nia, 44 Sterna antillarnm, 76, 173 elegans, 79 hirnndo, 174 maxima, 76, 79, 173 Stilt, Black-neckt, 29, 76, 162 Stone, W., review of his "the binls of New Jersey", 48 Stork, 13, 14 Strix occidentalis, 122, 141} occidentalis caurina, 110 occidentalis huachucae, 140 Sturnella magna hoopesi, 98 neglecta, 35, 88, 98, 110 Sula brewsteri, 74 nebouxi, 74 sula, 80

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