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Hawk, Broad-winged, 138 Cooper, 45, 110 Desert Sparrow, 31, 79, 110 Duck, 76, 79, 103, 171, 172, 186 Harris, 77, 103, 110 Marsh, 13, 162 Mexican Black, 77 Red-tailed, 13 Sennett White-tailed, 103 Sharp-shinned, 30, 100 Sparrow, 103, 172 Swainson, 30, 110, 162 Western Red-tailed, 30, 42, 110 Zone-tailed, 103 Heinemann, Oluf J., phot.os by, 85-89, 146-160 Heleodytes brunneicapillus couesi, 100 Heniconetta stelleri, 46 Herodias egretta, 76 Heron, Anthony Green, 76 Black-crowned Night, 29, 76, 113, 114; 120, 121 Great Blue, 12, 13, 19, 29, 75, 76, 110, 163 Green, 44 Little Blue, 76 Louisiana, 76 Night, 163 Snowy, 76 Yellow-crowned ,Night, 76 Herpetotheres cachinnan, 76 Hesperiphona vespertina montana, 60 Heteractitis incanus, 173, 176 Himantopus mexicanus, 29, 76 Hirundo erythrogaster, 37 Holoquiscalus orquillensis, 49 Howell, A. B., .mortality among young hum- mingbirds, 46; notes from Los Coronados islands, 184 Hummingbird, Anna, 125 Allen, 46, 171 Black-chinned, 46, 127 Broad-billed, 109 Broad-tailed, 33, 204 Buff-bellied, 103 Motcorn, 109 Ruby-throated, 103 Rufous, 78, 169, 204 Hydranassa tricolor ruficollis, 76 Hylocichla guttata pallasi, 99 guttata sequoiensis, 86 ustulata, 167 ustulata swainsoul, 43 I Ibis, Scarlet, 29 White, 76 White-faced Glossy, 76, 79 Wood, 14, 76 Iridoprocne bicolor, 43 Icteria virens longicauda, 38 Icterus bullocki, 35, 88, 97 cucullatus nelsoni, 78, 138, 166 cucullatus sennetti, 96 galbula, 97 melanocephalus auduboni, 96 parisorum, 46 pustulatus, 78 spurius, 97 Ingersoll, A.M., abnormal birds' eggs, 15 Ionornis martinica, 78 Ixoreus naevius, 136 J Jacana, 76, 94 Jaeana spinosa, 76, 94 Jay, Alaska, 42 Blue-fronted, 86, 129 California, 21, 195 Green, 95 Long-crested, 34, 60, 182 Long-tailed Blue, 77 Pinyon, 34 San Blas, 77 Woodhouse, 34, 89 Junco, Gray-headed, 37, 164 Mountain, 138, 195 pink-sided, 37, 196, 198 Shufeldt, 169, 195 Sierra, 86, 129 White-winged, 37 Junco aikeni, 37 caniceps,, 164 hyemalis pinosus, 175 byemalls thurberi, 86, 129 mearnsi, 37, 198 montanus, 138 phaeonotus caniceps, 37 K Killdeer, 30, 76, 86, Kingbird, 33 Arkansas, 88, 166 Cassin, 33, 78 Couch, 99 Western, 33, 44 Kingfisher, Belted, 32, 77 Great Rufous-bellied, 77 Northwestern Belted, 139 Texas, 77, 110 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 60, 86, 110,130,131,148, 196 Western Golden-crowned, 168 L Lagopus lagopus albus, 138 lagopus alexandrae, 138 leucurus, 30 rupestris, 139' rnpestris kelloggae, 139

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