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Nov., 1910 INDEX TO VOLUME XlI 211

Falco fusco-caerulescens, 103 . gyrfalco rusticolus, 42 peregrinus anatum, 76, 103, 186 sparverius, 103 sparverius phaloena, 31 Felger, A. H., review of his "annotated list of the water birds of Weld, Morgan anti Adams countieS, Colorado, etc.", 82 Ferry, John Farwell, obituary of, 81 Finch, Black Rosy, 35 Brown-capt Rosy, 36 Cassin, 35 Cuernavaca House, 78, 79 Gray-crowned Rosy, 35, 150 Hepburu Rosy, 35, 43 }louse, 16, 35, 4.5, 88, 110, 171 San Clemente House, 50, 51, 172 Finley, W. L., life history of the California cornlot, part Iv--the young cornlot in cap- tivity, 5 Flicker, Hybrid, 107 Red-shafted, 15, 32, 86, 107, 110, 130, 149, 182, 196, 2(

Florida caerulea, 76 

Flycatcher, Ash-throated, 33, 78, 182 Buff-breasted, 61 Derby, 78, 98 Great-crested, 99 Green-crested, 98 Gitand, 78 Hammond, 167, 196 Least, 78, 98 Mexican crested, 99 Olive-sided, 19, 86, 98, 168 Scissor-tailed, 99 Traill, 34, 174 Vermilion, 78, 98, 107 Western, 34, 167 Fregata aquila, 74 Frigate bird, 74, 75 Fulica americana, 29, 76 Fulnmr, Rodgers, 46 Fulmarus rodgersi, 46 Gadwall, 29 Gallinago delicata, 197 Gallinule, Purple, 78, 79 Gates, William H., rev. of his "a few notes on the habits, life history and economic value of doves", 137 Geococcyx californianus, 103 Geothypis triohas, 102 triqhas arizela, 187 triohas brachydactyla, 102 triohas occidentalis, 38 Gilman, M. F., notes from Sacaton, Arizona, 45 Glaucidium gnoma, 109 phalaenoides, 78, 103 Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 102' Plumbeous, 110 Western, 78, 79 Godman, F. du C., review of his "a mono- graph of the petrels", 206 Godwit, Hudsontan, 41 Marbled, 29, 204 Pacific, 41 Goldfinch, 36 American, 16 Mexican, 78 Goshawk, 30 Mexican, 77 Goose, Canada, 13, 52 Grackle, 136 Bronzed, 35 Great-tailed, 97 (Irebe, American Eared, 16, 28, 188, 189, 190 Mexican, 76 Pied-billed, 28, 188, 189, 190 Western, 204 Grinnell, J., miscellaneous records from Alaska, 41; the Scott oriole in Los Angeles County, 46; rev. of his "two heretofore unnamed wrens of the genus Thryomanes, 139; rev. of his "the Savannah sparrow of the great basin", 139; rev. of his "birds of the 1908 Alexander Alaska expedition", 139; an additional song sparrow for Cali- fornia, 174; review of "the new A. O. U. Check-List", 175; review of Cooke's "dis- tribution anti migration of North American shorebirds", 205 Grosbeak, Alaska Pine, 42 Black-headed, 21, 37, 86 California Pine, 149 Kadiak Pine, 42 Western Blue, 16 Western Evening, 60, 61,' 168 Grouse, Alaska Spruce, 42 Gray Ruft, 42 Richardson, 138 Sierra, 86, 148 Sooty, 49, 168 Spruce, 49 Valdez Spruce, 139 Grus canadensis, 80 Guara alba, 76 rubra, 29 Guillemot, Pigeon, 171, 172 Gull, Franklin, 99 Glaucous-winged, 138 Heermann, 75, 173 Mew, 174 Ring-billed, 28, 174 Western, 50, 51, 74, 79, 138, 171, 173 Gymnogyps californianus, 5, 13, 14, 19 Gyrfalcon, 42 H ttaematopus bachmani, 173 frazari, 73, 74 Halocyptena microsoma, 74

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