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Nov., 1910

PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED 207 writing Audubon's Biography. MacGillivray subsequently put forth an important work on English birds, besides many less voluminous treatises on natural history topics. He is re- garded as the most eminent British ornitholo- gist of his day. The book under notis gives the reader a clear idea of the modes of thought of scientific men of the early part of the 19th century, strange to us of the materialistic pres- ent. They were poets rather more than critical students.--J. G. New York State Education Department I -- [ New York State Museran I John M. Clarke, Director I Memoir 12 [ BIRDS O* NEW YORK I by ELoN ttowARD EATON I Part I ] Introduc- tory Chapters; Water Birds and Ga. me Birds I [list of contents, 8 lines, double column] Al- bany University of the State of New York [ 1910; 4to., pp. 1-501,+152 inserted pages of tables following page 86, 42 colored pls., many halftone text illustrations. This is an unusually elaborate treatis per- taining to the birds of a single state, especially so as being publicly printed. It is, moreover, of a high degree of merit in nearly every par- ticular. It is attractiv because of its large clear type, accurate information of many sorts, zonal treatment and nmps, and profuse illustrations. Practically every species treated in this Part is represented in the colored plates from paintings by Fuertes. The classification and order are of the A. O. U. Check-List, ex- cept for one feature: the author has consistent- ly disregarded the use of possessivs in ver- nacular names. We congratulate the people of the State of New York that their ornithological exponent shows himself to be progressiv even to this detail ! Eatoh's irds of Vew Jork will undoutedly remain the standard authority in its field for very many years. It deserves a place, too, among the best ornithological works of general value.--J. G. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOU'HERN DIVISION SEPTEMBEk.--The September meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Club was held on Thursday evening, September 29, 1910, at Room 1, City Itall, Los Angeles. The meeting was cald to order by President Morcom, with the following members present: Mrs. J. E. Pleasants, Messrs. Lelande, Willett, Howard, Robertson, Howell, Antonin Jay, Alphonse Jay, Tracy of the Northern Division, Shepardson, Zahn and Law. The minutes of the June meet- ing were read and approvd, on motion by Mr. Willerr, seconded by Mr. Robertson. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lelande, and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to activ membership Mr. E. S. Spaulding, whose application was presented at the June meeting. The applica- tion of Mr. Daniel S. Halladay, 2770 W. 8th St., Los Angeles, was presented by Mr. W. Lee Chambers. On motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Lelande, aud duly carried, the action of the Northern Division in electing to honorary membership Prof. F.E.L. Beal, was unani- mously approvd. Motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Willerr, was duly carried instructing the Secre- tary to make inquiry of the Northern Division concerning reported joining of the Pacific As- soeiation of Scientific Societies, same having been done without the knowledge or approval of the Southern Division, and to notify the Northern Division that the Southern Division does not propose to be bound without knowl- edge of what this may involv in a financial way. The question of simplified spelling was dis- cust, and on motion of Mr. Robertson, sec- onded by Mr. Shepardson, and duly carried, the matter was put to ballot, which resulted in 7 ayes and 6 noes. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Howard, the President was instructed to appoint a committee of three to act as a Mu- seum Committee in designing cabinets, etc., for use in the new museum. The President appointed Messrs. Robertson, Willett and Law. Mr. H. C. Tracy, who has spent a good deal of time in Syria and Asia Minor, gave a very interesting talk on the bird life of that region; after which, on motion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Lelande, the Club unanimously gave Mr. Tracy a vote of thanks. Adjourned. J. EuOEN LAW, Secretary. OCTOBER.--The October meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Club was held on Thursday evening, October 27, 1910, at Room 1, City Hall, Los Angeles. The meeting was cald to order by President Morcom, with the

following members present: Messrs. Swarth, 

Lelande, Willerr, Robertson, Howell, Owen, Lamb, Antonin Jay, Shepardson, Peyton, Zahn and Law, with Mr. Howard Peyton as visitor. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved, on motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lelande. On motion by Mr. Willerr, seconded by Mr. Peyton, and duly carried, the Secretary was in- strutted to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to activ membership Mr. Dan- iel S. Halladay, whose application was pre- sented at the September meeting. Mr. A. B. Howell exhibited a series of twelv very beautiful sets of the Xantus Murrelet, and two specimens of Petrel, all collected on the Coronado Islands. The latter two specimens were notable becanse they were evidently not the Black Petrel. However, their identifica- tion has not yet been obtained. Mr. Harry Swarth, who has been with the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Cali- fornia, for some years, spending a good deal of time in the field, gave a short talk on his this summer's experience in the northern part of Vancouver Island, and exhibited a series of of photos from that region. The balance of the evening was spent in in- teresting chat, which always cornprizes a very attractiv part of the evening's entertainment. Adjourned. J. EJGE LAw, Secretary.

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