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The Yellow Pines of Mesa del Agua de la Vegua (with one photo) ..Florence 2}lettiara Bailey 181 Notes from Los Coronados Islands (with two photos)_. tlfred B. t[owell 184 Nesting Notes on the American Fared Grebe and Pied-billed Grebe (with five photos) .... Robert B. Joclewell 188 The Brewer Sparrow (Spizella brewertl in Fresno County, California _. John G. Tyler 195 Bird Notes from Southwestern Montana (with eight photos) Mrela$ M. Saunders 195 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Unexpected Birds at Santa Barbara in the Summer of 1910 Bradford Torrey 204 A Correction .4retas .4. Saunders 204 The CaliforniaTowhee in Oregon .Charles IV. Bowles 204 Southern California Breeding Records of the Western Grasshopper Sparrow ............... G. IVillett 204 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS. 205 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .... 205 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEn-'TINGS 207 INDEX TO VOLUME XlI 208 Entered as second-class matter February,'1908, at the post offis at Los Angeles {Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Offis of The Condor. First National Bank Bilding, Hollywood. Ca[. I*OR $AI15 lSXCHAlhlG AIID WAIIr COI11M--In this space members of the C. O. C. are allowed one notis of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and sets of eggs can be offered in exchange. but NOT FOR SALE. Notiaea must be written on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. I,EE CHAMBERS. SANTA iIO.'XCA. CALn*ORNA. WANTED--XVheelock's "Birds of California"; Goss's "Birds of Kansas"; any or all numbers of the"Iowa Ornithologist."J. L. SLOANAKER, Raisin, Fresno Co., Cal. FOR EXCHANGE--Fine sets of Arctic Sea Birds' eggs, such as Pacific Loon, Pacific Eider, Ancient Murrelet, Snow Goose, Parasitic Jae- ger, Pacific Kittiwake, Short-billed Gull, Alas- kan Longspur, and others. Send for my full list, and say what you can offer xne.H. XV^R- REN, 140 IVilton .4re., Toronto, Canada. OREGON NATURALIST--12 complete vols. of nos. 1 to 12, 1896; 183 odd nos. of 1896; 3 no. 189.5, and 1,000 datas size 3x4. Want bird magazines or will sell very cheap for cash.- STANLEY G. JEWETT, 582 tgidwell 4ve., Port- lan& Oregon. WANTED--First-class sets, any variety,of Pine Grosbeak, Hermit, Mangrove Orange-crowned, Termesee, Sennett, and Connecticut Warblers; Salt Marsh Yellow-Throat and Belding Yellow-Throat; Oregon, Alaska, Gray, Texas and Blue-eared Jay, Spotted Owl.--E. ARNOLD, Freight Claim Ig'enl, (;rand Trunk Ry., IFlontreal, Canada. FOR F, XCHANGE--At a bargain, sets and singles of such species as Northern Phalarope, Semipal- mated Plover, Am. Rough-legged Hawk, Snowy Owl, Raven, Snowflake, Lapland Long- spur, Tree Sparrow, Am. Pipit, Gray-cheeked Thrush, etc., because one or more eggs are im- perfect or a part of tbe set has been destroyed. I collect sets of birds of prey only, but aim de- sire living tuffies and certain other reptiles.-- J. D. SORNBORGER, Rowley, ]ffassachusetls. WANTED--Choice sets of 453a--45Sa463--- 469--640--646-- 646b -- 647 -- 651 --652b--660-- 662--663a -- 664--672--675a--681c--681e--682 537--540-- 540a--S40b542 -- $42b -- 546a--S54a --559-- 563a---565-- 566 -- 567e--S68---S70a--S73a 574a -- 576 -- 579--580--580a-580b582--585-- 585b--594--594b-- 597a--610a --621--625--629a 629c--630---31a-632c 634. -- A. E. PRICE, Grant Park, IlL When replying to advertisements please mention THI CONDOR.

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