VoL. XlI the Museum of Zoology, Berkeley. It was called to order at 8:30 p.m., J. Grinnell pre- siding. Members present: Dr. C. Hart Mer- riam, Dr. W. F. Bad, E. W. Gifford, J. Grin- nell, W. P. Taylor; eight visitors. Mr. J. Grinnell gave a paper on the Avifauna of the Colorado River, froin Needles to Yuma. Dr. C. Hart Merriam talkt very interestingly of the Colorado River in the vicinity of Vegas Valley, Nevada. It was moved and seconded that the Club entertain favorably Mr. Tyler's proposition to form a central division of the Club at Fresno, in accordance with the provisions of the Con- stitution. After favorable discussion, the mo- tion was carried. Mr. Grinnell gave a report of the Committee on the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies. A uieeting of the latter organization, thrn dele- gates from eight societies, was held a week ago. Mr. Grinnell reported signing articles of charter menibership for the Cooper Club. It was moved that the action of the Committee in signing for the Club be considerd ratified. Carried. The following names were proposed for mem- bership: H.C. Bryant, Berkeley, N. B. Stern, Berkeley, Tracy I. Storer, Oakland, and H. L. Coggins, San Francisco, all by W. P. Taylor. The names laid over from the last meeting were read. It was moved and carried that the secretary cast the unanimous ballot of the Club electing these persons to membership. Ad- journed.--W. P. Tt, oR, Sec'y pro tern. SOUTHERN DIVISION APRIL.--The April meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Club was held on Thursday evening, April 28, 1910, at Room 1, City Hall, Los Angeles. President Motcorn called the meeting to order with the following members present: Messrs. Judson, Willeft, Zahn, Robertson and Lelande. Mr. Lelande was selected to act as temporary Secretary. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Zahn and duly carried, the Secretary was in- structed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present, electing to active membership Mr. H. B. Veber. A communication from Harry S. Swarth was read, addrest to the Secretary of the Club, asking the Southern Division to take up at its April meeting the matter of joining the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies. With the communicatlon was enclosed a copy of the by- laws of said Association. The following motion was made by Mr. Willett and seconded by Mr. Zahn and duly carried: That the President and Secretary take ' such steps on behalf of the Southern Division as necessary for the club to become associated with the Pacific Association of Scientific Socie- ties. After considerable discussion upon various bird questions, the meeting adjourned. H. J. LELANDE, Secretary pro tern. MA.--The May nieeting of the Southern Divisiou of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held in Room 1, City Hall, Los Angeles, on the 28th, with President Moreore in the Chair, and the following members present: Messrs. Snyder, Perez, Willett, Miller, Cham- bers, Alphouse and Antonin Jay, Zahn, Robert- son, Howard, Van Rossera, Blaine, Shepardson, Chamberlain and Lelande. There being no objection, the President ap- pointed Mr. Lelamte Temporary Secretary. The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. The. application of H. It. Ferris was read. On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Miller, and duly adopted, the action of the Club taken at the April meeting in regard to the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies was rescinded, and further action on. the matter postponed until the June meeting. After considerable discussion over bird topics andtheproposed trip of several members of the Club to the Channel Islands, the meeting adjourned.---HRR J. LELNDE, Temporary Secretary. JUNE.--The June meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Club was held on Thursday evening, June 30, 1910, at Room 1, City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Moreore, with the following mem- bers present: Messrs. Robertson, Linton, Lelande, Antonin Jay, Howard, Alphouse Jay, Davis, Kofahl, Willett, Osburn, Chambers, Roberts, Lowe, Zahn and Law. The minute of the May meeting were read anti approved. On motion by Mr. Willett, secoruled by Mr. Howard, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present, electing to active membership Mr. H. H. Ferris. Application for membership of E. S. Spaulding, Santa Barbara, California, proposed by J. Hooper Bowles, was presented. On motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Willett, and duly carried, the proposition with regard to the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies was laid on the table pentl- ing the receipt of more information with re- gard to its purpose. As most of the members present were with one orthe other of the two expeditions to the Channel Islands during the last month, a very interesting description, with an exhibition of a large number of photographs pertinent to those trips, followed. Adjourned.--J. E. LAW, Secre- tary.