Sept., 1910
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MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS' " ' " '" 179 The following applications xvere presented: Eugene J. Fischer, Berkeley, Calif, by H. S. Swarth; and the following by W. Lee Chambers: Edward P. Walker, Paradox, Colorado; T. Gilbert Pearson, Greensboro, N. C.; B. G. Willard, Millis, Mass.; E. F. Taylor, Grass Valley, Calif.; Albert H. Frost, New Vork City; John H. Sage, Portland, Conn.; Chas. F. Batchelder, Cambridge, Mass.; Geo. Chas. Embody, Ithaca, N.Y.; Jno. J. Boyce, Juneau, Alaska; P. J. Suksdorf, Bingen, Wash.; l'red B. Spaulding, Lancaster, New Hampshire; Josiah H. Clark, Paterson, New Jersey; S. tI. Goodwin, Provo, Utah; XV. E. Unglish, Wat- sonville, CaliL; W. C. Ohlendorf, M.D., Chicago, Ill. A circular letter from the American Bird Banding Association was read and placed on file. Mr. Rosewell Wheeler called the attention of the members to the fact that the cases of mounted birds presented to the Club by Mr. G. Frean Moreore were not properly cared for, and he volunteered to look them up and have them placed in the Oakland Museum where they would be carefully protected. A motion
was made and carried that the birds be
secured and placed in the Oakland Museum and a receipt be turned over to the Secretary. Mr. H. C. Tracy presented a very able paper dealing with the directire markings of birds, and exhibited a number of skins clearly illus- trating his remarks. Mr. Tracy's observations were made princi- pally in the East and also in Asia Minor, and the talk about the birds of the latter place proved very interesting to those present. Among the notable birds of that district Mr. Tracy mentioned a species of Nuthatch (Sitta neumayeri) that bilds a nest similar to the Cliff Swallow of our country and places the same on the side of a large rock.--IL W. CARRIGER, Secretary. MA.--The May meeting of the Northern Division was held on the evening of the 7th at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Meeting was called to order at 8:15 with Mr. H. S. Swarth in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read, and approved as read. Resignation of Miss Applegate of Haywards, which was read at the last meeting, was on motion accepted. On motion the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership those whose names were presented at the last meeting. The applications of Messrs. Paul Griswold Howes, Stamford, Conn., J. H. Fleming, Toronto, Ont., and Miss E. W. Fisher, Philadel- phia, Pa., all proposed by Mr. Lee Chambers, were read and laid over till the next meeting.' The Constitution of The Pacific Association of Scientific Societies, together with a letter from Mr. Bowman, was read and Mr. Joseph Grinnell and Mr. Roswell Wheeler were ap- pointed a committee to represent the Cooper Club. Mr. Walter Taylor gave a very interesting talk on his trip into Nevada and showed some fo the birds taken on the trip. Mr. Taylor showed a set of eggs of the Red-shafted Flicker which he had taken from a nest in a hay stack; the lack of trees caused the Flicker to use this unusual place as a nesting site. He also spoke of timling Nuthatches in the sage brush on the Nevada deserts.--H. W. CARRIGER, Secretary. JuL.--The July meeting of the Cooper Orn- ithological Club was held on the evening of the 9th in the Research Roon of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley. Meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. with President Grinnell in the chair. Mr. Loye Hohues Miller, who has for some time been working on the fossil-bearing beds near Los Angeles gave a very interesting lecture on the work (lone there, illustrated with a large number of the birds that have been unearth( recently. At the conclusion of Mr. Miller's lecture the regular business was taken up anti the minntes of the last meeting were read amt approved as read. The.application of Mr. H. C. Tracy, proposed by Mr. Grinnell, aml of Mr. On(ram Bangs, proposed by Mr. Chambers were presented anti laid over till the next meeting. A motion was made anti carried that the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing to active membership Messrs. J. H. Fleming, Paul Griswold Howes anti Miss E. W. Fisher, whose names were presented. t the last meeting. The resignation of Mr. Otto Emerson which has been on the table for some time was taken np, and on the recommendation of the commit- tee that called on Mr. Emerson the same was, on motion, accepted. A letter from Mr. J.'H. Bowman, chairman of the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies, was read and discust by members present. The proposition to invite a meeting of the A. O. U. to be held in San Francisco during the World's Fair in 1915 was discust. ' The proposal to elect Prof. F. E. L. Beal to Honorary membership in the Club, which had been previously presented, was brought before the meeting, and the same was carried by ballot unanimously.--H. W. CARRIGER, Sere- tary. SEPTEMBER.--Meeting.of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was held September 10, 1910, at