THE CONDOR VOL. xIi finch, Pale Goldfinch, Willow Goldfinch, etc.; just as tho the first race described (usually eastern) was the species and the rest "sub- species of it." This latter is not an uncommon popular notion, but is of course wholly falla- cious. Again, we are confronted with "Red- winged Blackbird" for Aelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus, while all the other subspecies and species are variously qualified "Red-wings". Wouldn't it have been better to have called the first, Eastern Red-wing, Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Song Sparrow, etc.? Incidentally we note nmch inconsistency in the use of hyphens and capital initials in the vernacular names. For instance: Bush-Tit, Tree-duck, Tree Swallow, Meadowlark; Catbird, Sage Hen, Surf-bird; Spoonbill, Rough-leg, Song Sparrow; Red-wing, Redhead; Pintail, Red-tail. tIowever, general typografical errors ar extremely few; in fact we have de- tected only five. It will have been notist that the above criti- cisms largely appertain to the Pacific Coast, with which portion of North America the re- viewer happens to be most familiar. It is not to be iuferred however that the same proportion of criticisms could be advanced with like reason for those portions of the Check-List relating most closely to eastern North America, for the very good reason that the personnel of the Committee is entirely of the East! After all these criticisms, CONDOR readers nmy have come not unfairly by the idea. that the present reviewer is either hypercritical or harbors some particular grouch; but we do not aspire to either undesirable state. We have perhaps more reason to welcome and put to immediate use the new Check-List tlmn the nmjority of bird students. We wish to empha- size with all fervor that in our belief the new Check-List is an immensely valuable thing to have. We recognize the fact that its completion has only been possible thru the combined efforts of a number of altruistic men, who have been willing to expend quantities of time and effort in an undertaking which can bring no com- mensurate credit to each individual concerned. Let us therefore acknowledge sincere apprecia- tion to the Committee in charge (Allen, Rich- mond, Brewster, Dwight, Merriam, Ridgway and Stone), for their very material servis in thus contributing to the advancement of ornithology: As brought out in the first paragraf of this review, the new Check-List cannot be rightly considered a permanent standard. It serves rather as a new basis (a most invaluable func- tion) enabling students of North American birds lo start out afresh in the more exact (te- termination of distribution and systematic status of the species.--J. GRINNELL. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN DIVISION FEBRUAR.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Onith- ological Club was held on the evening of Saturday, February 12. In the early part of the evening the members attended a stereopti- con lecture by Mr. W. L. Finley, delivered in South Hall, of the University of California, under the auspices of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Mr. Finley spoke of his experiences in the lake regions of northern California and southern Oregon, illustrating the remarks with a series of beautiful and very interesting pic- tures dealing mostly with the water birds of the region. An interested and highly appreci- ative audience filled the room to the limit of its capacity. After the lecture the Cooper Club members present assembled in the lecture room of the Museum, where the meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the January meeting were read, and accepted as read. On motion the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of all present, electing to active membership the names presented at the last meeting. The proposal to elect Dr.J.A. Allen to honorary membership iu-the Cooper Club, which was brought forward at the Jannary meeting, was again read, and, on motion duly seconded and carried, the same was past. Applications for membership from Joseph L. Sloanaker, Raisin, California, and Percy L. Judd, Chico, Califor- nia, both proposed by W. Lee Chambers, were presented and laid over until the next meeting. After the business before the meeting had been disposed of, Mr. Finley exhibited a large nmnber of his beautifnl bird photographs, a treat much appreciated by those present. }t. W. CARRIGER, Secrelary. MARCH.--The March meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held on Saturday evening, March 26, in the lecture room of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Ber- keley. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M., with SeniorVice-president RosewellWheel- er in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and approved as read. On motion the Secretary was instructed to cast the unani- mous vote of all present electing to active membership Messrs. J. L. Sloanaker, and Percy L. Judd, which names.were presented at the last meeting. The resignation of Miss Applegate of Hay- wards was read and laid over till the next meeting.