Pigeon Guillemots were common in the caves. Several Wandering Tattlers were also noted feeding among the rocks. Cassin Anklets were common at night and were undoutedly breeding somewhere on the island, but we did not locate the nest- ing colony. At least three pairs of Black Oystercatchers were seen, but we failed to find the eggs. On the afternoon of June 5 we made the difficult ascent to the summit of the east end of Anacapa Island. Here we found many nests of the Western Gull containing eggs and young; also a colony containing about 500 nests of the Califor- nia Brown Pelican (]relecanus calbrnicus). These were placed on the ground among some low bushes and contained eggs from fresh to advanced in incubation, and young birds from newly hatcht to nearly full grown. Only 4 nests contained sets of 4 eggs. The others mostly contained 3, and occasionally but 2. We se- cured as many sets of eggs as we desired and brought back two nests entire. This, I believe, is the first definitly recorded instance of the breeding of this Pelican north of Mexico, altho an article was publisht (Museum V, March 1899, pp. 71-72) by C. F. Holder, on a colony of Brown Pelicans nesting on Anacapa, but exact data was not given. V. W. Owen and Howard Robertson visited this same locality June 4, 5 and 6, 1899, and the birds were not breeding there at that time; so it would seem that they do not always use the same breeding locations each year. The commonest land birds on Anacapa were the Island Horned Lark, the Rock Wren and the House Finch. 'We noted a number of White-throated Swifts and found several nests of the Bald Eagle and Duck Hawk containing nearly full grown young. Owen noted a male Allen Hummer on the top of the island among some low bushes. This was the only one seen. We left Anacapa at 3:00 a.m. June 7, and crost the channel to Snmggler's Harbor, Santa Cruz Island, where we found the launch "Flier" from long Beach. Among the party on board were O. W. and Arthur Howard, H;. J. Lelande and H. N. Lowe of the Cooper Club. After arranging to meet them later at San Miguel Island we followed along the southerly shore of Santa Cruz, crost the channel to Santa Rosa Island and dropt anchor at Johnson's Lee where we lay during a hevy northwest blow until the morning of June 9. In the afternoon we landed on Santa Rosa for a couple of hours but took no specimens. We noted Bell and Chipping Sparrows common in the brush, also Horned Larks, Rock Wrens and Spurred Towhees. On the morning of the 9th, the vind having died down some, we left at 4 o'clock for San Miguel Island. We arrived at Cuyler's harbor at 7:30 a.m. and met Mr. L. A. Ward who has charge of the Island. He proved to be a very hospitable gentleman and allowed us to camp in a warehouse on the beach. This added greatly to our bodily comfort as the hevy wind which blew during our entire stay would have made camping out decidedly unpleasant. We are also indeted to Mr. and Mrs. Ward for several bountiful dinners we enjoyed at the ranch-house as well as for many other courtesies extended us. After we had landed our supples and our launch had left for the mainland, Owen and myself took our skiff and rowed to Prince Island, a small island about a half mile from the main island. Here we Were joined by the Howard brothers, Lelande and Lowe, their boat having arrived and anchored off Prince Island. They were leaving in the evening on their return trip, but we persuaded O. W. Howard to join during the remainder f our stay. We found Prince Island to be literally alive with breeding sea birds, and later obtained many interesting speci- mens, as well as notes and photos.