NESTING OF THE GRAY-HEADED JUNCO VOL. XII By ROBERT B. ROCKWELL WITH ONE PHOTO BY THE AUTHOR EFERENCE to back files of THE CONDOR reveals the fact that nothing has been publisht in this magazine regarding the nesting habits of Junco can- iceps; hence a few notes on the subject may be of more or less interest to CONDOR readers. On June 16, 1910, a short trip was made from Grand Lake, Grand County, Colorado, where I was then camping, to Columbine Lake, a beautiful body of water about 100 acres in extent lying two and one-half miles northwest of Grand Lake, at an altitude of about 9,000 feet. Columbine Lake is a typical mountain lake of Fig. 55. NEST AND EGGS OF THE GRAxff-HEADED JUNCO crystal clear vater, surrounded by lofty mountains, with a dense growth of pine and spruce timber extending in places to the water's edge. Along the west shore extends a narrow strip of boggy ground lying between the hevy timber and the water's edge and covered with a variegated growth of rank grass, moss, low scattered bushes and down timber. As I made my way around the lake two Spotted Sandpipers fluttered from their nests each containing four eggs, and a few feet farther on, in a precisely similar location a Orav-headed Junco flusht noisily from under my very feet. The location was altogethdr incompatible with my ideas of junco nesting sites, but a careful search was made nevertheless, and finally the nest containing four eggs was discovered, wonderfully concealed in a deep caviW in the ground completely rooft over by a projecting clod of moss- covered earth and entirely hidden and protected by the dense branches of a small bush. The parent bird flew directly to the dense pine timber close by, where it