The Discovery of the Nest and Eggs of the Gray-crowned Leucosticte (with 12 photos by Oluf J. Heinemann) ................................ ]k/ilton S. ]?ay 147 An Irrigated Ranch in the Fall Migration ..................... Florence .[erriam t?ailey 161 Nesting of the Gray-headed Junco (with one photo) ........ IVobert B. ]?ockwell 164 Notes on Regnrgitation .............. I/arriel l7lliams .ryers 165 Rouge et Noir ............................................................................................. bZ.. Leon Dawson 167 A Summer Trip to the Northern Santa Barbara Islands ............... G. lVillelt 170 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Larus canus: a Correction ....................................... Louis B. Bishop 174 A Southern California Spring Record for the Common Tern ...... G. bZillett 174 Cowbird again Noted in Los Angeles County ..... J. Eul;ene Law 174 An Additional Song Sparrow for California ................. ./. Grinnell 174 Red Phalarope in Southern California in Winter ..... G. IFillett 175 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED .... 175 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ............ 176 iINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS_, ......... 178 Entered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post offis at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Offis of The Condor, First National Bank Bilding, Hollywood. Cal. IFOP, ALI --XCHANG] AND WAN COLLI1E[--In this space nlenlbers of the C. O. C. are allowed one notis of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines Call be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and sets of eggs can be offered in exchange. but NOT FOR SALE. Notises must be written on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. IEE CHAMBERS, S,NTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. %VANTED.--Owls of any species, alive: Bur- rowing Owls, Screech Owls, Barn Owls, Long- cared Owls; also live horned toads (Phrynoso- aa). Anyone in a position to furnish these, please communicate with CHAS. A. I'[OFOID, Depl. of Zoology, Universily of California, Berkeley, Calif. }VANTED. Part II, of Newton's Dictionary of Birds. Offer a wiled choice in exquisitely prepared skins of Lower Rio Grande birds; or cash if desired.--AvsTxN PAUL SMITH, BOX 141, Brownsville, Texas. XVANTED--Nidiologist, voL. x, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11; VOL. XI, no 2, 8, 11; VOL. III, nos. 1, 2; vOL. IV, no. 9.--O. VIDMANN, 5105 ]k/organ St., SI. Louis, 31o. WANTED--A. 1 sets of 18--20--25--28--105 --2-- 106.1 -- 108.1--110--194a--201a--264--277 a -- 352a -- 372 --377a--379--379a--SS7a--393e-- 394b -- 394e-- 395398--399--403405. Many others.--A. E. PRICE, Granl Park, Ill. WANTED. The Bulletin of the Cooper Club voL. I, complete; Wilson Bulletin nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 24 for cash.--LooIs S. KOHLER, 9 kFatsessing ,4ve., Bloonfield, iV. jr. When replying to advertisements NoTrs. I have recently taken in lower Cali- fornia, fine sets of Xantus Murrelet, Black Petrel, and Socorro Petrel, with skins. XVill exchange for equally desirable material, prefer- ably water birds, of this Coast.--PINGREE I. OSBORNE, Pasadena, Cal. ODD NUMBERS FOR EXCHANGE, Oologist: vol. 16, nos. 1, 2, 3; vol. 23, no. 4; vol. 12, nos. 6, 7, 10, ll; vol. 21, nos. 4, 6; Jour. Me. Ornith. Sue: vol. 7, no. 1; Archaeologist: vol. 2, no. 11; Nidiologist: vol. 2, nos. 4, 8; An1. Ornithology: vol. 4, no. 6; Birds and Nature: vol. 18, con- plete; vol. 17, conlplete; vol. 15 without colored plates, complete. Book: Vild Birds in City Parks, by XValter. A number of engineering and other books for exchange. XVant complete vols., or .birds' eggs.--A. D. DuBolS, /thaca, XVANTED--Oregon Naturalist, vol. 1, no. 12; Naturalist, Austin, Texas, vol. I, nos. 2, 6; Ran- dom Notes on Natural History, Providence R.I., vol. I, nos. 1-4; vol. I, no. 12; vol. III, nos. 4-6, &11; Visnsin Naturalist, vol. IX, conlplete; Bull. Mich. Urn. Club, vol. IIX, nos. 3, 4; vol. nos. 2, 4. }Vill pay cash for any of the above. --W. C. BRAISLIN, M.D., 556 ashinglon rooklyn, . plee mention TBE CONDOR