Vo. XII except for decided smokiness of lower surface, black mottling of flanks and lower tail coverts, and reduction of spotting on wings. Passerella iliaca sinuosa. Valdez Fox Sparrow. Perhaps nearest to Passerella iliaca unalaschen- sis, but differs from that form in smaller and especially slenderer bill, in larger and heavier spottiug beneath and in a much slatier tone of coloration thruout; differs from P. i. insularis in the same ways but, except in spotting, to a greater degree, especially in coloration, because of the warm hazel brown tone of the Kadiak race; differs from P. i. meruloide.s(P. i. an- neclens Ridgway) from the Yakutat Bay region, in slatier, much less ruddy tone of coloration. The type may be described as follows: whole pileuni and dotsum dark sepia, closely ap- proaching clove brown; sides of head and hind neck pervaded with slate gray; rump and edgings of wings and tail Prout brown; ground color below pure white, with spotting of same color as dorsum; flanks and lower tail coverts broadly streakt with clove brown, the narrow light edgings of the crissum being faintly cream buff. Penthestes rufescens rival:. Valdez Chest- nut-sided Chickadee. Like Penthestes rufescens rufescens in coloration, but larger, tail propor- tionally longer and bill bulkJer. In "Composition of the Prince William Sound Avifauna; Discussion of its Origin", are tables of groupings of birds of the Prince William Sound District as tonipared with ad- joining districts, with remarks on each. "Melan- ism in the Endemic Species" is a four-page discussion of the darkening of colors of birds in general of this region and of the causes generally assigned for such change of color. No particular theory is endorsed. U. C. Publications in Zoology, vol. 7, no. 1, pages 1-8; publisht May 26, 1910. Two New Owls from Arizona with Description ol c the Juvenal Plumage of Strip: occidentalis (Xantus). By Harry S. Xwarth. Olus asio gilmani. Sahuara Screech Owl. Most like Otus asio cineraceus (Ridgway), from which it differs chiefly in slightly smaller size, paler coloration and greater restriction of dark mark- ings. Above pale ashy, darkest on crown, each feather faintly vermiculated with dusky, and with a narrow dark medium stripe. Under- parts somewhat darker, but still with dark markings much restricted. Legs and toes white, sparsely markt with dusky. The dis- tribution appears to be lower Sonoran zone principally in Arizona. Strip: occidentalis huachuce. Arizona Spotted Owl. Similar to StriA: occidentalis occidentalis (Xantus), but slightly smaller, and conspicu- ously paler; white markings more extensive and dark areas less deep toned. Possibly quite extensively distributed thru the mountains of Arizona.--F. S. MINUTES O1' COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIVISION MARCH.--The March meetingof the Southern Division of the Cooper Club was held on Thursday evening, March 31, 1910, at the home of Mr. IL J. Lelande, 1320 East 15th St., Los Angeles. In the absence. of President' Morcom, the meeting was called to order by Vice-President Lelande, with the following hietubers present: Messrs. Willett, Chambers, Judson, Davis, Holt, 'Antonin Jay, Alphouse Jay, Blaine, Law. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. On niotion by Mr. Willett, seconded by Mr. Alphouse Jay, and duly carried, the Secretary was instructed to cast the unanimous ballot of those premnt, electing to active membership Messrs. Bradford Torrey, H. C. Burr and John C. Fortiner, Jr. Application for membership of H. B. Weber Simi California, proposed by J. S. Appleton, was presented. An interesting paper on Tahoe birds by M. S. Ray was then read, after which the members present indulged in very enjoyable refresh- ments, over. which many ornithological tales were swapt. Adjourned.--J. E. LAw, Secrelary. Directory of Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club. Revised to June 1, 1910. (Residence in California unless otherwise stated. Year following address indicates date of election.) HONORARY MEMBERS Allen, Dr. J. A., Am. Museum of Nat. History, New York, N. . 1910. Belding, Lyman, Stockton. 1896. Merriam, Dr. C. Hart, 1919 16th St., Washing- ton, D.C. 1909. Ridgway, Robert, 3413 13th St., N. E., Brook- land, D.C. 1905. ACTIVE MEMBERS Adams, Ernest, Box 21, Clipper Gap, Placer Co. 1896. Alexander, Annie M., 1006 16th St., Oakland. 1908. Anderson, Malcolm P., Menlo Park. 1901. Appleton, J. S., Simi, Ventura Co. 1901.