TIlE CONDOR VOL. XI I ject in the last issfie of THE CONDOR.-- H. S.S. A. H. CLARK ON BIRDS OF THE NORTH PA- CIFIC AND ADJACENT SHORES. 2--As indicated in the full title of the paper given below, ths is a list of species observed at very many widely distant points. The North American itinerary began with San Francisco, and in- cluded Puget Sound, Vancouver Island, Una- laska and certain of the Aleutian Islands to the westward of the latter point. The annotations are of a heterogeneous nature, and many of them conld very well have been briefer. For instance, on pages 47 and 48, at least the whole second parRgraf, of 16 lines, consists of irrele- vant incident, foreign to a purely scientific paper. And further, of what possible use is the record of the Western Gull from San Fran- cisco Bay and the Glaucous-winged Gull from Puget Sound! So on with the bulk of the water birds and at least some of the land birds, which have been recorded over and over again from the same localities. There are, however, a number of the North American records of interest, such as some of those front the Aleutians. The two gulls, Larus schistisagus and Larus reggae, are listed from the vicinity of Unalaska. Both are rare in Alaska, and in each case we' would like to have known more about the specimens, if any were taken in American waters. .Larus vegae, even, has been seriously douted, as a species distinct front L. argenlalus (see z4uk, 1902, p. 20), at least as occurring in American waters. Thalassaelus pelagicus, the Kamchatkan Sea Eagle, is recorded froin Unalaska on the basis of one seen overhead in flight--not altogether satisfactory as the sole basis for the inclusion of the species as a bird of North America. The willow ptarmigan of North America are subjected to a revision (pp. 51-54) the main points in which are the separation of the American continental form from the Scandi- navian under the name Lagopus lagopus albus (Gmelin), and the inclusion of all the willow ptarmigan of the southern coast region of Alaska, from Norton Sound to extreme southeastern Alaska, under the name Lagopus laopus alezv- androe Grinnell. The use of the name albus for the Hudson Bay ptarmigan, seems to be a point well taken; but the relative ranges and races of the willow ptarmigan of Northwest America will not probably rest with the status suggested by Clark. In this connection, the author exhibits an attitude altogether unbecoming in the treat- ment of one worker by another. On page 54, it is implied that Grinnell was decided in his 2 The Birds Collected and Observed during]the Cruise of the United States Fisheries ] Steamer "Alba- tross" in the North Pacific I Ocean, and in the Bering, Okhotsk, [ Japan, and lastern Seas, from ] April to December, 1906 [ By I Austin Hobart Clark (=Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 38, pp. 25-74. Publisht April 30, 1910.) course to name the ptarmigan, L. 1. alezrandrae, because of coaching received from Clark, who freely vouchsafed his own conclusions in re- gard to the forths in North America. If Grin- nell had felt any gratitude towards Clark for the information advanced, and especially if he had made use of even an iota of such informa- tion in his publisht report, then it would have been incumbent upon him (Grinnell) to have made full acknowledgment in print. But this, Grinnell did not feel and did not do. Hence we opine that the patronizing comment in the paper under consideration is not relisht by that author; and it certainly will not fasten any added credit upon Clark.--J. G. THREE CASES OF SUPERNUMERARY ToE IN TIIE BROAD-WINGED HAWK BY C. WILLIAM BEEBE (=Zoologics, vol. 1, no. 6, Jannary, 1910; pp. 150-152, figs. 48-50). Three individuals possessing the same realformation 'are figured and_tlescribed. Considering the rarity of such deformity among birds, it is curious to find it occurring with such comparative frequency in one species. One of these examples was orig- inally reported by H. K. Coale (Auk IV, 1887, pp. 331-333); the other two are here tiff tired for the first time.--H. S.S. ABRIDGMENTS OF SOME CURRENT LITERA- TURE RELATING TO WEST COAST BiRDS.--T]e /uk, vol. XXVII, no. 1, Jan.uary, 1910; pp. 33-35, plates IV and V: The Palm-leaf Oriole. By Florence AlertJam Bailey. Contains notes on the choice of palin trees as nesting sites of the Arizona Hooded Oriole ([clerus cucullalus nelsoni). "In eight town and three country places in the general region between Redlands and San Diego in the summer of 1907 1 counted forty nests made of palm fiber and hung in fan palms, and twelve made of palin fiber and hung in other trees." fbid., p. 91: Destruction o/ Young Vealer Birds by a Storm. By llberl B. Reagan, Supervising Warden of the Olympic Bird Re- serves. He states that a storm on August 28 and succeeding days destroyed many young birds. The locality is not stated but by impli- cation it must have been some of the rocky islands along the west coast of Washington. "Many Cormorants perished, nearly all the Puffins and all of the California Murres. A half a hundred thousand birds must have per- ished." The ,4uk, no. 2, April, 1910: JVew ]ecords for lhe Slale of IVashinglon. By Lee Dice. Richardson Grouse (Dendragapus ob- scurus richardsoni), lateral canyons of Snake River; X,Vestern Grasshopper Sparrow (z4mmo- dramus savannarum bimaculatus), Toucher Valley near Prescott, Walls Walls County; Mountain Junco (Junco monlanus), Pullman, Whitman County; Rocky Mountain Creeper ( Cerlhia familiaris montana), Prescott, Walls Walls County; Long-tailed Chickadee (Pen-