portions of Lake Valley. In the particular spot where I now happened to be, jays were neither to be seen nor heard; but some suspicious looking twigs, protruding from the end of a thick-foliaged pine limb, caught my eye and I determined to in- vestigate. After a rather difficult climb, altho it was but fifteen feet up, I reacht what proved to be a nest of the jay. The nest contained three eggs which lay in pretty contrast to the lining of red pine needles. It was not until I had been in the tree fourteen minutes that the jays appeared, and then, altho there were but two, the air seemed full of them; for the jay, when it wills, is about the noisiest bird in the woods. The nest and eggs were collected, the latter proving well advanced in incuba- tion. The nest, a typical one, is of bleacht twigs outwardly, principally of the manzanita, bark strips, grasses, mud, rootlets, and lined with pine needles; it mea- sures seven inches in diameter while the cavity is four inches by two and one-half inches deep. As a nest of this size was rather cumbersome to carry I brought the days' work to a close and started for camp. Just before reaching Bijou, however, I made a most interesting discovery, the find of the season. In a grove of small tamaracks I came upon a pair of Ruby- crowned Kinglets (]?egulus calendula calendula) that were putting the finishing touches on one of the daintiest specimens of bird architecture I have ever seen. It was placed but ten feet up and was made of plant fiber, moss and down and warmly lined with feathers and a few horse hairs. The accompanying photo was taken in situ by Heinemann on June 19. The 28th of May dawned windy, cloudy and cold, all of which, however, did not deter me from taking a jaunt due south up the valley. Some distance from Bijou a nest of the Red-shafted Flicker (Colapies caret collaris) and one of the White-headed Woodpecker (Jfenopicus albolarvatus) were noted in inaccessible situations in tall dead pines; while in a tamarack sapling a nest of the Audubon Warbler (Dendroica auduboni auduboni) with one fresh egg was found. It grew so intensely cold, however, and sleet continuing to fall hour after hour, that I was finally obliged to take refuge for a time in an unoccupied farm house, where for some hours I past the time gazing out on a chilly and rather dismal landscape or looking over the newspapers With which the walls were papered and which contained the latest accounts of the Russian-Japanese war. Towards dusk the storm moderating I started back to Bijou. Near camp I noted a rootlet nest of the Mourning Dove (7enaidura macroura carolnensis) with two fresh eggs. It was bilt upon an old nest of either Euphagus or ]lanes- ticus. Altho the Dove is not uncommon in Lake Valley this is the first nest of this species that I have found in the region. To itemize all the nests found during my stay would make far too lengthy a list, so I will only review the most interesting finds. May 29 was warm and clear and was spent along the range southeast of Bijou up to about 6500 feet elevation. Several nests of the Western Robin (]lanestfcus migratoriuspropinquus)were noted in pines and firs, all containing eggs well along in incubation. Next came a large nest 20 feet up in a fir. On climbing up the tree imagine my surprise on seeing a Clarke Nutcracker (JVucty?aga columbiana) fly out from one of the branches. M? wonderment was short-lived, however, as .the nest proved an old one, the bird in the tree being merely a curious coincidence. However, I believe it was a nest of the nutcracker altho careful search failed to reveal any tell- tale feathers or other evidence of the bilders. The nest was a large and well-made affair of sticks and twigs, almost the size of a crow's and thickly lined with bark. Two very common birds among the brush on these mountain sides were the