Some Colorado Night Iteron Notes (with 9 photos by the artthor) Roberl t.Rockwell 113 Nesting of the Spotted Owl in Northeastern Los Angeles County, California ............................................................. Lawrence Pgylon 122 Notes on the Rufous-crowned Sparrow (with one photo by /z. Ollo EmerSon) ............................ J. R. Pemberton 123 The Anna Hummingbird ................ J. Ig. t{owles 125 Late Spring in Lake Valley (with two photos) _. 2}/illon S. Ray 128 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Two Arian Stragglers within the State of Colorado ............. Igorace G..%nilh 133 Cowbird in Los Angeles Connty ..... : ...... R. I. Perez 133 The Western Martin Nesting in Los Angeles !. lL Perez 133 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS .............................. 134 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ..... 135 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ................................................................. 140 DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB ........... 140 Entered as second-class matter February, x905, at the post office at LosAngeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act o! Congress o! March 3, 1879. Issued from The Office o[ The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. O1 BAI, XCHAlgO AlqD WAlg CO'-Jg--In this svace members of the C. O. C. are allowed one notis of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and sets of eggs can be offered in exchange, but NOT FOR SALE. Notises lainst be written on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department addrs W. LEE CHAMBERS, SANTA IONICA, CALIFORNIA. FOR EXCHANGE--A number of choice sets of Xantns' Murrelet, Black Petrel, etc. Wanted, sets of Hawks, Sea-birds or Waders of equal value.--ALFRED B. HOWELL, /nternalional Fisheries Co., 940 Allanlie Sl., San Diego, Cal. FOR SALE--The ornithological library of H. R. Taylor, at very low prices. Any one inter- ested send stamp for list.--MRS. AGNES M. TAYLOR, Carmel, Cal., care of Carmel Devel- opmenl Co. WANTED--Audubon Magazine, vOL. I, no. 2; Loon, no. 1; Observer, voL. vii, no. 1, VOL. VIII, nos. 9-12; Iowa Ornothologist, voL. IV, nos. I and 3; Journ. Maine Orn. Soc., nearly all; Agassiz Jonrnal, nos. 1, 2, 4, and later; and many others. Can offer desirable bird maga- zines, skins and eggs. Send list.--FRANK L- BURNS, erwyz, Pa. %VANTEDAudubon's Ornith. Biography, voL. IV; Nattall, Land Birds, 1832; The Osprey, VOL. III, no. 10, VOL. IV, nos. 2, 3, 5, VOL. I, New Series, nos. 3, 4, 5, 6; The Auk, vols. 1, 2, 3 and 6. Offers desired.--CxARLES R. KEYES, fill. Verzon, Iowa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Complete history of Coronado's great expedition in 1540- 42, for archaeological, ethnological, or ornitho- logical books, papers, or cash.EARL R. FOR- REST, ArO. 32 Franklin St., IVashinglon, Pe t ' a. WANTED--Oregon Naturalist, vol. 1, no. 12; Natnralist, Austin, Texas, vol. I, nos. 2, ; Ran- dom Notes on Natural History, Providence, R. I., vol. i, nos. 1-4; vol. II, no. 12; vol. Ill, nos. 4-6, 8-11; Wisconsin Naturalist, vol. II, complete; Bull. Mich. Orn. Club, vol. iIi, nos. 3, 4; vol. v, nos. 2, 4. Will pay cash for an), of the above. --W. {2. BRAISLIN, M.D., 556 lt/ashinglon Av., rooklyn, 2V. l: I have semired the remaining copies of "The Story of the Farallones" by C. Barlow. A dainty little booklet of 32 pages published by H. R. Taylor, Alameda, 1897. This describes the Farallones and its bird rookeries and is il- lustrated by 26 half-tones. These sold for 50c each, bnt as long as they last I will send copie for 10c or three copies for 25c post paid.--W. LEE CHAMBERS, Santa lIonica, Cal. When replying to advertisemelats please mention THI CONDOR