still remained; but this was melting fast. Bijou, my destination, was reacht at one o'clock in the afternoon, and not long after I selected a spot on high ground as the site of my camp. I was told that there had been a light fall of snow two d,s pre- viously; but weather conditions did not cause me any worry as I had a storm proof tent of 10 oz. army duck. After arranging the camp, time did not allow much opportunity, but I could not forego a short ramble around theamp-grounds and up the meadow. Mr. Wil- ton Young of Bijou took me to a nest of the Sierra Junco ( Junco hyemalis lhurberi) that he had found a few days before; but the nest was deserted and the four eggs it had then held had disappeared. Along the meadow I noticed Brewer Blackbirds (Euhagus cyanocephalus) nesting in unusually large numbers; but as it had al- ready become dark I postponed investigation until the following day. The next morning was spent as planned, but as the seasoh's work in the Brewer Fig. 41. BENEATH THE PINES OF B[JOU, AT LAKE TAHOE Photo by Richard I)uttke Blackbird colonies has already been described at length in two articles publisht in TIE CO2X)OR 1 shall omit further reference to it. In the afternoon a tramp was taken along the lake shore to Lakeside, but a blinding rainstorm before long forced me to return. The next morning being dear I decided on a ramble among the higher ranges southeast of Bijou. Here I reaeht an altitude of about 6750 feet. At this eleva- tion deep snow lay in patches, and the willows and aspens showed but faint buds, while every brook was a turbulent stream of snow-water running bank-full and singing its wild Sierran song. Altho about Bijou (6220 feet) many nests contained even young birds, yet here the birds that were in evidence as nesting were few. The real find of the day was a nest of the Blue-fronted Jay (Cyanocilla slellert fonlalis). This bird, while common on the ranges and along the lake shore where the mountains rise from its edge, is scarce in the vicinity of Bijou and all other low