' No 4--$100 ist
THE GUN THAT WENT TO AFRICA . Above cut shows the finest gun flint went to Africa wifl the Roovelt party, selected because the 1909 Ithaca lock is the simplest and only unbreakable lk; it operates in 1-625 of a con twice as fast as other 1os. Waanted to out-shoot any other make. Remember we make daiuty liRle 20 gage Ca.log FREE. 18 grades, $17.75 net, to $300 list. IT GiCO. ITHA, N.Y. BOOKS WANTED-*ornithological Books and Magazines. For Exchange.--Skeletons, loose bones and por- tions of eggs of the GREAT AUK; tnsks of the Alaskan MAMMOTH; fine sknlls of Walrus and Polar Bear; rare sets and singles; Esqninlo ivory carvings, weapons, ntensils, etc. Many other speeilnens in Iatnral I-Ils- tory and Ethnology. Long-focns Premo Camera in good candition. J.D. SORNBORGER, ROWLV, MASS. A LOVER k of the Out Door Life Needs Outing Clothing WAre Ivialie it Handsome, Comfort- ablegarmentsof khaki and cordnroy, made to ply high grade foot wear, laced boots, moccasins, still hnnters dries. ALWAYS IN STOCK Standard Ammnnition Fishing Tackle Compasses Field Glasses The NVm. H. Hoegee Co., Inc. x38-x4o-z4a Sonth Main St. Los Angeles, Cel. The Boys who KNOW, all say-- "You cannot aim, you cannot hit-- Without a STEVENS FAVORITE."
Ve hear from an army of live, wide-
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