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From Tahoe to Washoe (with two photos by Oluff. Iureinemann) ......... 2Flillon S. Nay 85 Notes on the Northwestern Crossbill (with two photos) ....................... .J.W. t'reslon 90 Miscellaneous Bird Notes from the Lower Rio Grande .................. Muslin Paul $milh 93 The Olive Warbet (Dendroica olivacea) in Southern Arizona (with two photos) ....................................................................................................... F. C. Willard 104 Miscellaneous Records from Southern California and Arizona._ ..Harry $. Swarlh 107 FROM FIELD AND STUDY Some Notes from Washington ................................... C. IF. 17owles 110 Seen on a Day's Outing in Southern Arizona ............................. F. C. Willard 110 Alaska Longspur at Gunther's Island, Eureka, California_...../-/enry IF. 2F/arsden 110 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................................................. 111 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ......................................................................................................... 111 Entered as second-class maiter February, 19o8, at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), Caliloraia, under Act of Congress of March $, 1879. Issued from The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. FOR-SALE, EXCHANGE AND WANT COLUM In this space members of the C. O. C. are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or ex- change; bird skins and sets of eggs can be offered in exchange, but NOT FOR SALE. Notices must be written on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address W. LEE CHAMBERS, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. DURING the coming season I willhave spec- imens of the sea birds of the West Coast of Mexico, also land birds inhabiting the north- ern portion of the Lower California peninsula. Strictly A No. 1 in point of data and construc- tion. What do you desire?--PINGREE I. IURN, Pasadena, California. WANTEx)wCorrespondence with those hav- ing for disposal first class books nd publica- tions on Ornithology, and eggs iu sets. Offer either good exchange in sets or cash.--H. H. BArnEY, 2Vewport 2Vews, Va. WANTED--A. 1 sts of 18--20--25--28--105 --2 -- 106.1 -- 108.1--110--194a--201a--264277 a -- 352a -- 372 --377a--379 -- 379a--387a--393e-- 394B -- 394e-- 395--398--399--403--405. Many others.--A. E. PRICE, Granl Park, Ill. WANTED. Part II, of Newton's Dictionary of Birds. Offer a varied choice in exquisitely prepared skins of Lower Rio Grande birds; or cash if desired.--AusTiN PAUL SMITH, Box 141, Brownsville, Texas. FoR SALE--The ornithological library of H. R. Taylor, at very low prices. Any one inter- ested send stamp for list--MR AGNES M. TAYr, OR, Carmel, Cal., care of Carmel Z)eel- opmenl Co. WANTED--Oregon Naturalist, vol. 1, no. 12; Naturalist, Austin, Texas, vol. t, nos. 2, 6; Ran- dom Notes on Natural History, Providence R.I., vol. t, nos. 1-4; vol. It, no. 12; vol. IIt, nos. 46, 8-11; Wisconsin Naturalist, vol. It, complete; Bull. Mich. Orn. Club, vol. IIt, nos. 3, 4; vol. v, nos. 2, 4. Will pay cash for any of the above. --W. C. BRAISLIN, M.D., 556 WashingIon ,,Iv., Brooklyn, iV. Y. FOR EXCHANGEBirds of North and Mid- dle America, Ridgway, vols. 1, 2, and 3. Bound Half Morocco, as new. For bird or mammal skins.--W. L. BURNETT, Care of The Loveland Z)ry Goods Co., Loveland, Colo. WANTED--Volumes IX and x (1875, 1876) of The American Naturalist--Cash will be paid. --THAYER MUSEUM, Lancasler, Jrass. When replying to advertisements please mention TH] CONDOR

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