in-the creek for an hour at a tiane. He was especially attracted by any sanall white object, such as a light-colored rock, a bit of broken china, or a piece of paper. He liked to play about the hydraulic raan. When he decided to bathe, he got under the spouting water and wallowed in the pool. He never seemed to feel thoroly washt, for when he was soakt thru, hE stept out for a moment and then suddenly decided to go in again. He kept this up till he could hardly walk, or until I drove him out of the water. General was as playful as a pup. In the morning after I gave him his break- fast he wanted to play. Down he juanpt and pounced upon a stick or a leaf, shook it in his bill, dropt it, just to jump upon it with both feet and toss it up again. He became hilarious the minute he got out of the enclosure; he seemed so much so h6 could hardly control himself. He was extremely fond of pulling on a rope. We often played with him in this way. He snatcht the rope in his bill and sat back on Fig. 4. GENERAL SUNNING HIMSELF; HE OFTEN SAT ON HIS PERCH BY THE RIVER ,VITH WINGS SPREAD FOR 'IEN OR FIFTEEN MINUTES AT A_ TIME his haunches with a jerk that ahnost sent one sprawling; then, finding that he was making no headway, he jumpt up and down, flapping with considerable strength. When he was first let out, he generally made straight for one of the tents to grasp a rope and pull back till he threatened to demolish the whole thing. He of- ten amused himself in this way for some time, and he lookt very comical in such antics. When I pulled a rope along the ground, he watcht it like a kitten after a string and ambled along. to catch it. When he got tired of romping, he always came up to get his head rubbed and roll about on the ground. He had to be nib- bling all the time and liked to tug at any shoe-strings or anything else that he could pull. If one of us was sitting in the sun, he would lie fiat on the ground, letting his wings fall loose, and nose about in perfect content. We set up a perch for General out on the river bank just beyond our camp, and there he loved to sit in the sunshine. He seemed to enjoy watching the buzzards