when he would flap for exercise, or go jumping across the yard, using his wings to help him along. When the young condor was at home within the rocky walls of his cave he was very savage. Whenever we went near he lunged about, striking with his bill. Soon after he was taken from his home, his ferocity gave way to fear and then to gentle- hess. One day when the dog was lying asleep in the yard, the bird walkt up and nabbed him by the ear. At every opportunity he would pounce upon the dog with a flap of his wings, but the dog never remained to fight. One afternoon the bird climbed the back steps where the cat was sitting. Pussy didn't see the condor till Fig. 2. GENERAL, THE YOUNG CALIFORNIA CONDOR, AT THE-AGE OF SIX MONTHS he reacht the top step and was about to take a bite, when she suddenly awoke with a fit and jumpt backward into space. In order to study the young condor under favorable conditions and to watch him closely day by day, we took him to our summer camp up the Willamette River. We placed General, as we called him, in an enclosure of about twelve by fifteen feet that we made under the trees. We gave him the stump of an old apple tree t4 perch on, but the primordial freedom of his race lingered within him, for he did no like the idea of being closed in. We let him out a part of each day so he could gel plenty of evercise, take his bath in the creek and warm himself in the sun. If h were not releast at the usual time, he became restless and soon attracted our atten-[