Above cut shows the finest gun. that went to Africa with the Roosevelt party, selected because the 1909 Ithaca lock is the simplest and only nnbreakable lock; it operates in 1-625 of a second, twice as fast as other locks. Warranted to out-shoot any other make. Remember we make dainty little 20 gage guns. Catalog FREE. 18 grades, $17.75 net, to $300 list. ITHACA GUN CO., ITHACA, N. Yo 'HE Model 1895 Reea6n Rifle is the , Ist all-around rbqe ever made. With the .:52-40 high ower cartti&e this gun b unsul'pasd lot shoo6ng dee, antelope, moose, mountale ,'ep, wi.'.id g.oa.ts, elk, caribou, hear, etc.; and with the .32-40 short range carmdge t Is a safe rifle for ettled country where wood- chucks, foxes, badgers, etc., afford good sport. XVith the ''a'z' sd ton and the side ejec6on, the 895 Reeater s a rifle that cannot Jail to ive atiJaction. aln, fleet, snow or other forelgu matter cannot reach the ac6on I the ever movement isshon and easy; the aim is unspoiled i rapid shoofag. horo are hundreds of valuable poluter for every up-to-date shooter. ws well ws a tull description of 11 rOpeatom,rifles and shotguns. in the handsome 136-pgo" Book." FHEE for 3 stampn p0tag0. I lVew Iraven, Conn. BooIs and Magazine -- Especially -- ]Sirel Publications Oologists and Taxidermists Instruments. Finley's American Birds ! 45 tteathered Game o! the Northeast--Rich - 2 9o Forest and Stream and New Subscription to Condor ....... 3 60 Four selected sizes Cut-Lining lgg Drills x oo PROMPT UOTATIONS. IISTS FOR ASKING. BENJAHIN HOAG teplxetowm New York The Condor management wishes to ex- change for or purchase any numbers of the Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club or Condor, Vols. I, II and III. Address, W. LEE CHAMBERS, Santa Monica, California.