Jan., 1910
MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 51 to find Linton's father who was camping at Northwest Harbor. We expected this would take but. a short time, but, as it developt, it took all day, and as the wind again blew as strong as the day before, they were compelled to stay all night on shore. On Tuesday, July 6, after picking up Linton and Howard we started for Northwest Harbor and there found Linton, St., and, after taking him aboard, started for Long Beach, which was reacht about 10 p. m, Many birds were found on both islands. On Santa Barbara Island several nesting colonies were visited of both Western Gull and Cassin Auklet, while on San Nicolas Island many gulls and cormorants were found, but no auklet burrows were discovered. A large number of Island Horned Larks, San Clemente House Finches, and a song' sparrow of some species were noted on both islands. Eighteen species of birds were seen on Santa Barbara Island, and fourteen on San Nicolas, besides six additional species observed at sea. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Set'y, pro tern. SEPTEMBER.--An informal meeting )f the Cooper. Ornithological Club was called to order by Vice-President Lelande in the Clerk's Office, City Hall, Los Angeles, Thursday even- ing, Sept. 2, 1909, with members Evan Davis, Win. B. Judson, Pingree I. Osburn, Chester C. Lamb, Howard Robertson, Prof. Loye Hohnes Miller, H. J. Lelande, Ozra.W. Howard, Antonin Jay, Alphouse Jay, W. Lee Chambers, Geo. Willett,.and J. E. Law present, and, as a guest, Dr. A. K. Fisher, who is in charge of the Economic Investigations of the Bureau of Biological Survey, United States Department of Agriculture. The. evening was spent in an informal talk by Dr. Fisher, outlining his work. Interesting data was given in regard to extensive experi- ments for extermination of destructive rodents. Interesting data concerning bird destruction was presented. The Smithsonian Institution has accumulated front the entire world 225,000 bird skins in 55 years. Careful data indicates that in one storm more than 2,000,000birds were destroyed in an area of 20 miles, and yet subsequent years showed no apparent decrease in the number of individuals of the species killed in this area. Some years ago, the Blue- bird was ahuost exterminated in the eastern states by severe weather. In a few years the Bluebird was as abundant as ever. Statistics prove that the domestic cat destroys more birds than all natural enemies combined. These statistics bear directly on the tendency to-day of so restricting ornithologists-that intelligent research is almost prohibited. The 5,000 or 10,000 birds accumulated in a life-time by the average sincere ornithologist can make no im- pression whatever on the bird population. It seems only reasonable that ornithologists be protected in their collecting privileges. Ad- journed. J. EUGENE LAW, Secretary. SEPTEMBER.--The September meeting was called to order by President Morcom, with members W. Lee Chambers, Will Judson, Dr. J. A..Munk, Howard Robertson, Prof. Loye Holmes Miller, Otto Zahn, Antonin Jay, Ches- ter Lamb, Willard Chamberlain, Pingree I. Osburn and J. E. Law present. The minutes of the June outing meeting were read and approved, and Messrs. Low, McQuilling and Gaylord proposed at the June meeting were elected to active membership. Applications for membership were presented as follows: Merrill W. Blain, Tropico, Cal., by W. Lee Chambers; Chas. Camp, Sierra Madre, Cal., by J. Grinnell; Lawrence Peyton, Sespe, Cal., by W. Lee Chambers; Adriaan Van Rossera, Pasadena, Cal.,. by J. Grinnell. The resignation of Mrs. Mary G. Donnelly was accepted with regret on motion by Mr. Miller. Mr. W. Lee Chambers read his report as committee for raising.of funds.for Avifanna No. 5, and on motion by Mr. Robertson, sec- onded by Mr. Chamberlain, the report was accepted, and ordered spread upon the minutes. Six hundred copies of Avifauna No. 5 were printed, at a total cost of $431.40, as follows: Nace printingCo. $36.4.20; ' mailing envelopes $7.00; 1 M stamped envelopes $21.12; Postage $33.58; 1 M letterhr.ads $5..50; total, $431.40. Total amount subscribed, $451.00; balance on hand $19.60, turned into CONDOR fund. Avifaunas nos, 5 and 6 were mailed together, thus making the postage item higher by about seven dollars than it would otherwise have been. This amount should have come out of the Avifauna no. 6 fund. In closing Mr. Chambers thankt the Club members, and some others who are not nlelll- bets, for the liberal manner in which they as- sisted in the publication of this, the largest single work that the Club has yet attempted. Three papers were read by the secretary. J. E. LAW, Secrelary. OCTOBER.--The October meeting of the Sonthem Division of the Cooper Club was held on Thursday evening, October 28, 1909, at Room 1, City Hall. The.meeting was called to order by President Morcom, with the following members present: Messrs. Morcom, Lelande, Alphonse Jay, Antonin Jay, Zahn, Lamb, Mil- ler, 3udson, Chambers, Robertson, and Lawrence Peyton; and with Mr. H. J. Kofahl present as a visitor. In the absence of Secretary Law, Howard Robertson was elected Secretary pro tem. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved, and Messrs. Blain, Camp,