VoL. XII Mr. C. F. Palmer were accepted, and Mr. A. F. Roberts was elected to active membership. The chair was instructed to appoint a commit- tee of three to investigate a plan of extension of the scope of the Club and the CoN)oR, so that an eastern membership would be a feature. The chair appointed, on the suggestion of Mr. Robertson, Messrs. Motcorn, Law and Chambers. Four papers were read, which have subse- quently appeared in the CoN)oR. Adjourned. J. E. LAw, Secretary. MARCH.--The March meeting was called to order by President Motcorn at the City Hall, Los Angeles, Thursday evening, March 25, 1909, with members O. W. Howard, H. J. Lelande, E. H. Skinner (of the Northern Division), Chester Lamb, Howard Robertson, L. A. Test, W. L. Chambers, P. I. Osburn, Alphonse and Antonin Jay, Willard Chamber- lain, V. W. Owen, A. F. Roberts and Prof. L. H. Miller present. Mr. H. Robertson was ap- pointed Secretary pro tern. The minutes of the last meeting Feb. 25, 1909, were read and approved. Miss Elizabeth Day Palmer, Los Angeles, and Messrs. J. A. Munk, Los Angeles, Lawrence Huey, San Diego, D. I. Shepardson, Los Angeles, and R. M. Perez, Los Angeles, were elected to active membership. A paper by Isaac Motes of Kansas City, Mo., "In Defense of the English Sparrow" was read and discust. HOWt, RD ROBmTSON, Set'y, pro tern. APRIL.--The April meeting was called to order by President Motcorn at the City Hall, LOs Angeles, Thursday evening, May 9, 1909, with members, H. J. Lelande, O. W. Howard, W. Lee Chambers, H. Robertson, Alphouse Jay, W. Chamberlain and J. E. Law present. The minutes of the last meeting, Mar. 25, 1909, were read and approved, the resignation of Mr. Carroll Scott of San Diego was accepted with regret, and, on motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Chambers and carried nnan- imously, Dr. C. Hart Merriam was elected to honorary membership in the club, subject to approval of the northern division. Adjourned. J. EU6ENE LAw, Secretary. MA.--The May meeting was called to order by President Morcom at the City Hall, Los Angeles, Thursday evening, May 27, 1909, with members H. J. Lelande, George Willerr, O. W. Howard, C. B. Linton, Willard Chamberlain, Howard Robertson, Evan Davis, Otto J. gahn', Alphouse and Antonin Jay present. The min- utes of the last meeting, May 6, 1909, were read and approved. The balance of the evening was spent in general discussion. Adjourned. HOWAaD ROBEaTSoN, Sec'y, pro tern. OUTING MEETING.--The annual outing meet- ing of the Southern Division was called to order by Vice-President Harry J. Lelande on July 7, 1909, on board the good ship Flyer some- where between Santa Barbara and San Nicolas islands, with the following members present: O. W. Howard, W. B. Judson, A. P. Howard, H. J. Lelande, C. B. Linton, Otto J. Zahn, Antonin Jay, Chester Lamb and Howard Rob- ertson; also the following as visitors: C.A. Caldwell, It. A. Gaylord, H. F. Hossick, Em- ruerson Knight, H. Linton, H. N. Lowe, W. S. McQnilling, Capt. Graves, Mate Grannis, and Cook Vic. Secretary Law being absent Howard Robert- son was elected Secretary pro tern. Mr. C. B. Linton proposed the names of .Herbert N. LOw and W. S. McQuilling, and O. W. Howard proposed the name of H. A. Gaylord for membership. The party left Long Beach on Friday even- ing, July 2, for a three days' trip to Santa Barbara and San Nicolas islands. Santa Barbara Island was first visited, the party arriving early Saturday morning; and most of the day was spent on the island where the gull and auklet colonies were examined. Many young of the Western Gull were seen running about the nesting colonies. None of the young observed were able to fly, but all used their legs to good advantage. Two nests of the Western Gull, containing two eggs each, were found but as they appeared to be badly incubated they were notmolested. Anest and four eggs of the Island Horned Lark was taken by Mr. Antonin Jay and Mr. Lelande reported finding the San Clemente House Finch breeding. Leaving Santa Barbara Island about 3 p.m. the trip was made to San Nicolas Island, reach- ing'the sand spit at the southeast end of the island about 8 p.m. Sunday, July 4, was spent on the island by most of the party, some of whom walkt around the island and examined the Cormorant rookeries and the Indian burial grounds. On returning to the landing it was found that the sea was so rough that it would be impossible to land a skiff, so all hands turned to and collected firewood, and were soon comfortable with a roaring fire in one of the caves above the-tide line. A hearty repast was made from one five cent package of chewing gum, and while a more substantial meal would have been appreciated by the 11 left on shore no one complained of the lack of food; but all were unanimous in their desire for drinking water. However, no one suffered, all taking it good naturedly as tho it was part of the days' work. Monday morning, the wind having gone down, the skiff was landed easily and we reacht the launch with little trouble. After a hearty breakfast, much enjoyed by all, Mr. Linton and O. W. Howard returned to shore