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Jan., 1910

Jersey ornithology, and also with a glossary of the technical trms used. The numerous plates are taken from a variety of sources, .mostly from the works'of Audubon or Wilson, tho there are some photographs of musenm specimens, and many drawings by Fuertes and HorNfall, which, however, have already appeared else- where. Typographically the work appears to be excellent, so much so that the curious blun- der by which the name Vermivora leucobron- chialis is attacht to twoYspecies on the same page (Brewster Warbler an d Lawrence Warbler), strikes one with additional force.--H. S.S. THE BIRDS OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS, CARIBBEAN SEA, by CHARLES B. CORY, Curator of Department of Zoology (:Field Mnseum of Natural History, Publicatiomo. 137. Ornith- ological Series, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 193-255, 1 plate (map), Chicago, October, 1909). Tho based primarily upon collections of birds made for the Field Museum by Dr. N. Dearborn and Mr. John F. Ferry, in 1908 and 1909, this re- port may be taken as a summary of all ornith- ological work done upon the Leeward Islands up to the present time. Each of the eleven islands, or groups of islands, is treated sepa- rately, and in each case the list of birds is preceded by a bibliography of the ornithologi- cal literature pertaining to the plac'while thruout the paper pertinent comment is made upon the results attained by previous Workers in the field, as compared with the collection in hand. No less than eight new species and sub-species are described--Coreba lowii and Dendroica ruficapilla abscura from Los Roques Islands, Conurus aeruginosus tortugensis, Tiaris torlugensis, and Coereba ferryi from Tortuga, luroloquiscalus orquillensis from Los Herman os, and Conurus neoxenus and l)laty- cic/da venezuelensis. atra from Margarita.--H. S.S. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS , NOR!rHERN DIVISION SEPTEmBER.--The September meeting of the Northern Division of the Club was held in the lecture room of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology on the evening of September 30, with the following members present: J. Gr{nnell, R. Wheeler, W. F. Sampson, W.B. Sampso'fi,.' H. F. Duprey, M. S. Ray, H.S. Swarth, W. P. Taylor, O. Heinemann, H. W. Carriger, E. W. Gifford, Joseph Dixon, and Miss Alexander, while Miss Kellogg, and Mr. Storer were present as visitors. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 with Vice-President W. P. Taylor in the chair. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The application of J. Claire Wood, Detroit, Mich., proposed by Mr. Grin- nell, was presented and laid over till our next meeting. On motion duly carried the Secre- tary was instructed to cast the unanimous bal- lot of those present electing to active member- ship those whose names were presented at our last meeting. Mr. Emerson's report which was presented at the last meeting was again laid over for one meeting. A report from Mr. Lee Chambers who was a committee of one to finance the publishing of Avifauna no. 5 was read, and on motion the same was accepted. The Secre- tary was instructed to write Mr. Chambers thanking him on behalf of the Club for the excellent work done in securing the necessary funds for publishing this Avifauna. Mr. H. S. Swarth gave a very interesting talk about his recent trip to southeastern Alaska. By means of a launch he was able to visit many of the islands of the coast, and a good collection of birds and mammals was secured. The scarcity of birds in certain sections of the country was very noticeable. The islands are all heavily wooded and as they rise abruptly from the water, traveling was at times very difficult. A curious Indian legend relative to the hooting of the Sooty Grouse was related by Mr. Swarth. The Indians believe that the Raven is the lord of all the birds, and also that at one time both the Sooty and Spruce Grouse hooted, thus making a great noise in the woods. The Raven did not fancy so much noise so he forbade the Spruce Grouse to do any hooting and it has forever since remained silent. Mr. M. S. Ray presented a paper on "A Defense of Oology" (see this issue of the CON- DOR, page 19) and the same was disoust by those. present. Adjourned. H, W. CARRIGER, Secretary SOUTHERI DIVISION FEBRUARY. raThe February meeting was called to order by President Morcom at the City Hall, Los Angeles, Thursday evening, February 25, 1909, with members John Lewis Childs, H. J. Lelande, George Willet*, W. Lee Chambers, O. W. Howard, Howard Robertson, P. I. Osburn, Chester Lamb, V. W. Owen, Willard Chamberlain, Howard Wright and J. E. Law present. The minutes of' the last meeting, Jan. 28, 1909, were read and approved. The following applications for membership were presented: J. A. Munk, Los Angeles, proposed by W. Lee Chambers; Lawrence Huey, San Diego, pro- posed by F. Stephens; Miss Elizabeth Day Palmer, Los Angeles, proposed by W. Lee Chambers; D. I. Shepardson, Los Angeles, proposed by O. W. Howard; and R. M. Perez, Lo s Angeles, proposed by O. W. Howard. The resignations of Mr. C. L. Newcombe and

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