Arias platyrhynch0s. Mallard. This bird was seen on several of the smaller lakes, both near San Luis Lake, and at Medano Ranch. It seemed rather common. Chaulelasmus streperus. Gadwall. Seen on some of the smaller lakes though not as common as the preceding. Mareca americana. Baldpate. Two or three were seen on one of the small lakes one afternoon. (Unless otherwise stated all notes of water birds refer to the San Luis Lake and Medano Ranch region. lletti0n car01inensis. Green-winged Teal. Two or three seen among other ducks one afternoon. - Querquedula disc0rs. Blue-winged Teal. Two or three pairs were seen on a small lake, and we noted others at other times and places. Querquedula cyan0ptera. Cinnamon Teal. The most common Teal, if not the commonest of all the ducks we saw. One of the ponds near the Medano Ranch had several pairs on it, how many it was difficult to tell, but half a dozen or more, I am sure. Spatula clypeata. Spoonbill. One seen each of two afternoons, and at differ- ent places. Apparently not common. Daftla acuta. Pintail. A number were seen at different times; it seemed fairly common. Near Medano Ranch, July econd, I saw a female accompanied by four one-third grown young. Marila americana. Redhead. Durand saw one near the Medano Ranch. We thought we saw others elsewhere about the lakes, but were not sure. Erismatura jamaicenais. Ruddy' Duck. This species was seen on the same lake as the grebes, and at the same time. Guara rubra. Scarlet Ibis. It is interesting to note that the only specimen of this Tropical species recorded from Colorado, and one of the very few known from the United States, was taken by a Mr. Livesy on Grape Creek, in the Wet Mountain Valley, Custer County, in May, 1876, and probably in, or at any rate very close to the region traversed by me. It was recorded by W. P. Lowe, Au xx, 1894, p. 324. Ardea her0dias. Great Blue Heron. Durand saw one at a small pond on the Medano Ranch. llyctic0rax nyctic0rax naevius. Black-crowned Night Heron. One evening, when we were at San Luis Lake, 4 or 5 Night Herons came to the little lake near which we were camped, and fed there. A few days later Durand found a colony on a lake at Medano Ranch, and from the indications thought they must nest there. The first of July I saw several in a flooded meadow while driving to Hooper. Fulica americana. Coot. A common bird, seen on nearly every lake we visited. Stegan0pus tricolor. Wilson's Phalarope. Seemed rather common on ponds about Medano Ranch. Recurvir0stra americana. American Avocet. Avocets were very common at San Luis Lake, though we saw none at Medano Ranch. We saw them daily while camped at the lake; they fed both about the large lake and about the small lakes; we used to see them feeding in the pond close to camp, especially in the early morning and late afternoon and evening. Henshaw staes that the Black-necked Stilt, JSrt'mantopus mexicanus, was equally common with the Avocets, and Aiken tells me the same thing, but I saw none whatever. Lim0sa fed0a. Marbled Godwit. An interesting note is that the first Colorado record for this species is one taken by Aiken at San Luis Lake, October 1, 1874. Actiris macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. This species was seen but a few times, at Parkdale, at San Luis Lake, and at a small reservoir near Fountain on the last day of the trip.