Life History of the California Condor Part IV--The Young Condor in Captivity (with six photos by Herman T. Boldman) William L. Finley Fossil Birds from the Quaternary of Southern California Loye Holmes Miller Abnormal Birds' Eggs (with four photos) A. M. Ingersoll Some Birds of Note from Ventura County J. R. Pemberton A Defense of Oology (with one photo by Oluf J. Heinemann) Milton S. Ray Some Central Colorado Bird Notes (with one map and one photo) Edward R. Warren For the Btter Determination-f gelaius--t:colo- (with two photos by Joseph lt[ailliarcO John IV. 31hilllard Miscellaneous Records from Alaska Joseph Grinnell leROM I?IELD AND STUDY The Alaska Longspur in California Frank Stephens Lirnoniles ruficollis (Pall.) as an American Bird S.A. Buturlin Additions to Grinnell's List of Birds of the San Bernardino Mountains The Pecml' -Sandpiper at Santa Barbara An Albino Magpie (with one photo) Notes from Sacaton, Arizona Mortality among Young Hummingbirds The True Home of the Spectacled Eider Rodgers Fulmar in Southern California The Scott Oriole in Los Angeles County EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS . G. IVillelt BradJbrd 7'orrey R. B. Rockwell 31. French Gilman __ M. B. Howell ff. ,4 .Bulurlin G. Willell J. Grinnell 5 12 15 18 19 23 39 41 44 44 44 45 45 46 46 _2 46 746 47 48 49 Entered as secoud-class matter February, x9o8, at the post office at LosAngeles (Hollywood Station), Cali[ornia, under Act of Congress o[ March 3, 1879. Issued [rbrn The Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. FOR-SALE, EXCHANGE AND WANT COLUM In this space members of the C. O. C. are allowed one notice of about 35 words in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or ex- change; bird skins and sets of eggs can be offered in exchange, but NOT FOR SALE. Notices must be written on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. . For this department address W. LEE CHAMBERS, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. TO EXCHANGE--Birds' skins prepared with exceptional care, and eggs in sets; especially desire sets of 349 and warbler skins--all letters answered.--J. CLAIRE WOOD, 179 17lb. Sireel, Detroit, 2}lichigan. lq'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Fisher's Hawks and Owls of the U.S. (fine copy, $6.00); Pacific R. R. Report, vol. 9, Birds (good copy $2.00); Biol. Survey Bulletins, nos. 5, 7, 9, 13, 18; N. A. Fauna, no. 3; Cook's Birds of Michi- gan (wrappers, 50c); Osprey, vol. 1, complete except no. 2 (fine copies, $1.00); Standard Dic- tionary, 2 vols., full morocco (fine copies ex- ceptcorners rubbed, $10.00). IVanled: Wilson's Am. Ornithology; Nuttall's Land Birds, second ed., 1840; The Auk, vols. r-viii; and many others. Also a small but fine collection of Iowa and California sets for books.--CHARLES R. KEYES, II. Vernon, Iowa. TO EXCHANGE for Books or Bird Skins: Cory's Birds of ttaiti and San Domingo, Birds of E. N. America: Capen's Ooogy of New Eng- land.--F. B. McKECHNIE, Potkapo, il/ass. FOR SALE, for best offer, the following publications: Bendire's"Life Histories",bound; Ridgway's "Birds of North and Middle Amer- ica", Part 2, bound, Parts 3 and 4, paper; Cas- sinia for 1903 and 1904; Aquila for 1902-06; No- vitates Zoologicae, vols. 10, 11, 12, 13; and a considerable number of odd nos. or broken vols. of current bird magazines from 1903 to 1907. Would prefer to dispose of entire lot to one party.--tt. W. CARRIGER, Sec'y Cooper Club, 69 A. 1Valet Sireel, .San Francisco, Calif. FOR EXCHANGE--Giant Fuhnar 6-1, at $25.00 per egg. Vandering Albatross 5-1, $20 per egg. Some common western species want- ed. Send lists.--JoHN H. FLANAGAN, 10 [[./ey- bossel St., Providence, R. lr. CHECK-LIST: "Land Birds of Placer Coun- ty, Cal.," mailed for 20 c. Extract from Placer Co. Institute "Research", of Oct., 1909.--ER- nEST ADt, MS, Clipper Gap, Calif. When replylug to advei tisements please mention THE CONDOR