The Gvidc [0 Haturc
Edited by Edward F. Bigalow A Profusely Illustrated Monthly Magazine for Adults Devoted to Commonplace Na- ture with Uncommon Interest EDUCATION AND RECREATION For all students and lovers of nature. For people who see and think. For those who enjoy llfe in the country or su- burbs. For growers of plants and pets. For amateur astronomers and all who "look up to the stars." For users of the microscope peering into the wonders of minute life. For portrayers of nature interests and beauties on the sensitive plate. For members of The Agassiz Association. For readers of the best nature literature. Not lmotional and Sensational but Thoroly In- formational and Practical. Definite Guidance for Those Who Wish to KnOW Sinilia Copy 10c. Subscrption $1.00 per Yeu The Agassiz Association Arcadia, Sound Beach, Conn. BIRD-LORE FOB, CHB,ISTlvlA$ The December nnmber of BIRD-LORE will contain over 100 pages of text, and the first plate in the series by Fuertes illustrating The Sparrows of North America in Color Tell ns o whom yon wish ns to send BIRD-LORE for you during 1910 (Vol. xII) and we will forward a free copy of this December number, a 10x12 sepia print, for framing, of one of the most remarkable bird colonies in the world, and a Christmas card giving your name as donor. All these will go in time to be re- ceived with your greeting on Christ- mas Day, and BIRD-LORE will follow, as publisht, thruout the year. A valuable present, easily maple, whether to a friend or to yourself. $1.00 a year; nntil Christmas five subscriptions for $4.00; three for $2.50 TI-IE IIACIIILLAN CO. Harrisburg, Pa., or 66 Fifth Ave., New York City BIRDS--NESTS--EGGS The Oolo9ist is the only publication in the United States devoted to these. It is now in its twenty-sixth year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Pologist, Lacon, Ill. When replying to advertisements A LOVER of the Out Door Life Needs Outing Clothing We lV[ale it Handsome, Comfort* able garmentsof khaki and corduroy, made to measure for men and women. We also sup- ply high grade foot wear, laced boots. moccasins. st/ll hunters dries. ALWAYS IN STOCK Taxidermists Guns Standard Ammunition Fishing Tackle Compasses Field Glasses The Win. H. Hoegee Co., Inc. t38-x4o-[42 gouth Main St. Lee Angelee. Cu.I. ,lease mention THE CONDOR