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Spoonbill, see Duck Squatarola squatarola, 116 Stannard, Earl, w, inter observations in Oregon, 68 Steganopus tricolor, 14, 114, 173, 207 Stelgidopteryx serripennis, 121 Stephens, Frank, notes on the California black rail, 47; (see also Grinnell) Sterna caspia, 68 forsteri, 98, 110 maxima, 68 Stilt, Blaek-neekt, 109, 115 Strix oeeidentalis caurina, 138 Sturnella magna hoopesi, 63 magna magna, 156 negleeta, 15, 100, 102, 119, 171 Sula nebouxi, 152 Surnia ulula caparoch, 205 Swallow, Bank, 121, 139, 162, 174, 185 Barn, 17, 80, 121, 185 Cliff, 17, 80, 121, 138, 18.5 Northern Violet-green, 172 Rough-winged. 121 St. Lucas, 10 Violet-green, 17, 18.5 Swan, Trumpeter, 114 Whistling, 114 Swarth, Harry S., distribution and molt of the Mearns quail, 39 Swift, Chimney, 139, 1,59 Vaux, 139, 171 White-throated, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 100, 137, 141, 185 Synthliboramphus antiquus, 65, 102, 19.3 Syruium occidentale, 82 oeeidentale caurinum, 1.38 T Tachycineta thalassina brachyptera, 10 thalassina lepida, 17, 172 Tanager, Cooper, 59 Hepatic, 59 Louisiana, 93 Orange-headed, 59 Scarlet, 161 Summer, 161 Western, 17, 70, 121, 172 Tangavius aeneus involucratus, 173 Tattler, Wandering, 100, 137 Taylor, Walter P., Dendroica townsendi in Pasadena, 69 Teal, see Duck Telmatodytes palustris paludicola, 56 palustris plesius, 121 Tern, Black, 110 Caspian, 68 Forster, 98, 110 Royal, 68 Thalassogeron culminatus, 6 Thayer, John E., some'rare birds and sets of eggs from the Cape Region of Lower Cali- fornia, 10; Limonites ruficollis in Alaska, 173 Thrasher, Bendire, 50, 51, 52, 54 Brown, 109, 121, 16,3 California, 21, 50 Crissal, 50, 51, 52, 54 Leconte, 50, 51, 54 Palmer, 50, 51, 52, 5,3, 54 Sage, 17, 50, 174 Thrush, Audubon Hermit, 122 Hermit, 19, 75 Monterey Hermit, 21 Northern Varied, 207 Olive-backt, 93, 139, 164 Russet-backt, 21, 185 Varied, 69, 93, 102, 139 Willow, 164 Wood, 164 Thryomanes bewicki bairdi, 17 Thryothorus Indovicianus, 155, 156, 163 Titmouse, Bridled, 130 Chestnut-backt, 55 Gray, 17 Plain, 172 Tufted, 163 Torrey, Bradford, the Wilson phalarope at Santa Barbara, 17,3; the Allen humming- bird at San Diego in winter, 173; the blue- winged teal at Santa Barbara, 173; the ruddy turnstone at Santa Barbara, 174; the sage thrasher a't San Diego, 174; the golden plover at Coronado, 207; the English spar- row in Santa Barbara, 208 Totanus fiavipes, 116, 204 melanoleucus, 116, 137 Towbee, Arctic, 120 California, 21, 80 Green-headed, 62 Green-tailed, 16, 62, 70, 120 Mountain, 16 Oregon, 139, 194 San Francisco, 21 Thick-billed, 11 Toxostoma benditel, .50, 54 crissale, 50, 52 cnrvirostre palmeri, 50, 52 lecontei, 50, 54 redivivum, 21 rufum, 121, 155, 156, 163 Tringa canutus, 208 Trochilus platycercus, ,33 Troglodytes aedon aztecus, 63 aedon parkmani, 17, 121, 156, 163 Trogon, Mexican, 62 Trogon mexicanus, 62 Turkey, Wild, 14 , Turnstone, Black, 100, 137 Ruddy, 116, 139, 174 Tyler, John G., some notes from Fresno County, California, 81

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